The fate of federal spending legislation, dubbed the Build Back Better Act, is in doubt after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) publicly announced his opposition on Dec. 19. In its current version, the bill could result in added financial incentives for contractors, while imposing potential costs in the form of new penalties and fines.


该法案的当前版本可能没有像书面形式获得足够的支持,但民主领导层尚未准备好宣布其灭亡。参议院多数党领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)表示:“我们将对由房屋所经营的Build Back Back Back Act的修订版进行投票,我们将继续投票,直到我们完成某件事为止。”

"I still think there’s a possibility of getting Build Back Better done," President Joe Biden said in a Dec. 21 news briefing.

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What does and does not make it into future bill versions is a mystery, but any provision opposed by Manchin is likely to be cut, says Peter Comstock, Associated Builders and Contractors senior director. “For [Senate Democrats] to get anything done, it will have to be on Manchin’s terms,” he says. “Whether or not progressives and the White House can go along remains to be seen, but that’s what is needed if they are to rescue the president’s major priority for next year.”

One provision Manchin has openly opposed is family medical leave, which would potentially affect many construction employers, if enacted. He has largely expressed concern over costs impacts on taxpayers, but some industry groups are concerned over costs employers may incur.

- AGC高级总监James Young

James Young, an Associated General Contractors senior director, says one provision could add, for the first time, civil monetary penalties for violations of the National Labor Relations Act—$50,000 per occurrence, and up to $100,000 if repeated.



The bill’s call for a more than five-fold penalty hike in some OSHA violations “represents bankruptcy inducing levels of penalties that would hit smaller firms the hardest,” he adds.



But Young says to be eligible, contractors would have to meet 15% registered apprenticeship goals. Comstock says ABC is concerned about the ability of all contractors to meet those requirements, adding that it would be “the first time for extending those types of labor mandates to privately financed work.”

Overall, Comstock says that many provisions in the current bill could add up for some contractors.

“It’s a death by a thousand cuts for small business,” he says. “From the taxes to the additional fines to the regulatory requirements. You’re placing more burden on employers. They’ve already been hard hit by COVID and many are still struggling.”