After years of wrangling, excavation work on both sides of what is set to be the world’s longest underwater immersed-tube road and rail tunnel—an 18-km structure beneath the Baltic Sea between Germany and Denmark—finally got underway, with start of heavy construction on the German side in early December. The projected completion of the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel in 2029 will cut rail travel between Copenhagen and Hamburg to 2.5 hours, with trains set to travel at 200 km per hour.


Environmental advocates raised concerns about marine life impact and ferry operators claimed that tunnel traffic volume would never justify project cost or its support with European public funding.

德国议会议员兼联邦运输部官员Enak Ferlemann表示:“ Fehmarnbelt隧道将是这十年来最大,最重要的运输基础设施项目之一。”18luck官网

When finished, the tunnel will be assembled into an 18 km-long trench—100 m wide and 12 m deep—between the two islands. Tunnel tubes will shelter rail and road conduits under the Fehmarnbelt, which is the Baltic strait between the islands.

The project is pressing ahead on several fronts. On the Danish side, building has been underway since June 2020 on the working harbor at Rødbyhavn. On the German side, workers recently began sinking granite blocks off the Fehmarn coastline at Puttgarden to build a containment dam that will become the northern boundary of the tunnel portal's excavation pit, project spokeswoman Denise Juchem said. The dam is being built in shallow water just east of the current ferry terminal and its long protective retaining harbor wall.

The tunnel itself will be made from79 standard elements- 每个宽度约42 m,长10 m,长217 m,重73,000吨 - 整个部分都需要单次浇注以确保它们是水密的。

Juchem说Fehmarnbelt隧道的长度makes it a unique engineering job, with most of construction materials and components to be delivered by sea to minimize stress on the local road network.

Progress continues in erecting the factory on the Danish side to manufacture the tunnel elements: the plant foundation now is in place and steel framing is underway for the first of what will be three production areas.

Fehmarnbelt疏ed行动将继续以很强的速度继续,荷兰承包商Boskalis International B.V.和Van Oord Dredging和Marine Contractors and Marine Contractors B.V.管理60多个工作工艺,包括宏伟, the world's largest dredger. It has a bucket that can lift 40 cu m—about the volume of a 20-foot shipping container—at a time. The Danish unit of Sweden-based SWECO is excavation adviser.

铁路链接是欧洲运输基础设施的广泛愿景的一部分,其中包括从斯德哥尔摩到西西里岛的斯堪的纳维亚 - 米德塔拉河走廊。丹麦运输部长本尼·恩格布雷希特(Benny Engelbrecht)表示,他想确保可以通过斯堪的纳维亚半岛的夜间火车到达每个主要的欧洲城市。他说:“我们需要确保人们从短途航班转向国际火车联系。”



Vinci Construction Grands Projets是两项合同的首席承包商,涵盖了沉浸式隧道和隧道预制元件工厂的建设,根据Aarsleff Holding作为隧道访问坡道的主要承包商。建筑团队的一部分是Vinci子公司Soletanche Bachy International;CFE,挖泥国际NV,Wayss&Freytag Ingenieurbau,MaxBöglStiftung&Co,Bam Infra和Bam International。项目顾问是Cowi。