在乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统发布了一项宣告后,就将谈判者在10月的G20峰会上进行调整后,就将在1月1日生效,该协议将于1月1日生效。

The deal sets a quarterly关税率配额,因此,前330万吨钢铁将不受关税的限制,除此之外的任何钢都将缴纳25%的职责。新安排持续到2023年。

U.S. steel industry groups such as the Steel Manufacturers Association and American Iron and Steel Institute have welcomed the deal, although they share concerns about some details and implementation.

“We understand that in any negotiation, there has to be some give and take,” says Philip Bell, manufacturers' group president. “We’re very pleased to see that there’s a ‘melted and poured’ requirement in the agreement that’s going to help ensure that steel that is tariff free is melted and poured in the EU. On the flip side of that, we were somewhat disappointed that exclusions were grandfathered for two years.”


Biden’s proclamation specifies that only steel melted and poured in the EU will be eligible for inclusion under the quota, meaning that steel produced in China and sent to Europe for finishing will still be subject to the tariff.

“In my judgment, these measures will provide an effective, long-term alternative means to address any contribution by EU steel articles imports to the threatened impairment of the national security by restraining steel articles imports to the U.S. from the EU, limiting transshipment, discouraging excess steel capacity and production, and strengthening the U.S.-EU partnership in a fashion that will better enable future arrangements,” Biden said in the proclamation.

钢铁学院兼首席执行官凯文·登普西(Kevin Dempsey)表示,该组织“特别令人满意”,强调仅包括源自配额下的欧盟的钢铁,但他和贝尔都指出,适当的实施和执法对于防止激增至关重要钢铁进口。



