国会大厦布雷特·布兰顿(J. Brett Blanton)的建筑师说,自2021年1月6日以来,这一年对美国国会大厦进行了“重大安全改进”。致命的骚乱at the iconic building.

The AOC received $300 million in appropriations for windows and camera systems, Blanton said during a Jan. 4新闻发布会与美国国会大厦警察局长J. Thomas Manger。


Currently under design, the windows are scheduled to be installed in the spring. Blanton says installation is “weather-dependent—you need to have above-freezing temperatures.”


Manger also testified on Jan. 5 before the Senate Rules Committee.

Manger在听证会前发表的准备备注中写道:“ 1月6日,以操作计划,情报,人员和设备的身份暴露了严重的缺陷。”“我认识到必须解决这些问题,这就是我们正在做的事情。我和我的执行领导团队专注于在这些领域进行改进所需的变革变革。”




The legislation does not appear to include specific funding for security vestibules for the Capitol's North and South entrances. Design for the security vestibules was slated to start in April 2021, according to Blanton’s March 11 testimony before a House Appropriations subcommittee听力在2022财年的预算请求下,对AOC计划的要求。



Lessons Learned

Thomas Vonier, a Washington, D.C., and Paris-based-architect, told ENR via email that although he cannot comment directly on work completed or underway, his “firm view” is that “the Capitol building itself performed admirably in the assault a year ago."

Vonier who also is the immediate past president of the International Union of Architects and a past president of the American Institute of Architects, added, "The ‘failures’ in that debacle were human (as were some of the successes, on the part of the Capitol Police, the Metropolitan Police Department, and Hill staffers), while the building largely withstood determined attackers and provided safe havens for the mob's targets.”

Peggy Van Eepoel, senior principal in Thornton Tomasetti’s Washington, D.C., office—who oversees the firm’s protective design and security practice—says that “lessons learned, and still being learned,” from Jan. 6, 2021, are invaluable.

范·埃波尔(Van Eepoel)(曾帮助设计和结构上的200多个建筑物),包括美国州部,一般服务管理局,国防部和退伍军人事务部的设施,这些教训可以帮助精炼官员的官员来行动,以使他们的官员的行动促进新利luck准备潜在的攻击。

This “forensic study of the details of the attack,” she says—including “vulnerabilities exposed, the tactics used and the resulting human and property damage”—help to shape the revision of so-called threat, vulnerability and risk assessments (TVRAs) at the Capitol Complex.

她说,他们还在TVRAS中发挥了“ 2020/2021年暴力抗议活动的其他政府和私人设施”的作用。

Van Eepoel adds that the refined TVRAs help create “holistic security strategies” that include temporary or permanent physical security, such as new fence lines or barriers around a site and technical security, such as facial recognition software, improved visitor surveillance systems or lighting.
