马克·列维坦(Marc L. Levitan)回忆起最初被雷暴的声音和灯光秀所吸引,然后在1972年的艾格尼丝飓风期间因他在宾夕法尼亚州雄鹿县的洪水而受到创伤。他十岁。



“这都是全新的,甚至在技术界内,”国家标准技术研究所(NIST)的国家风暴影响减少计划(NIST)的首席研究工程师,ASCE/SEI 7-22任务委员会主席在龙卷风载荷上,开发了ASCE/SEI 7-22的第32章:建筑物和其他结构的最小设计和相关标准。

PCS结构解决方案的高级校长,ASCE 7-22的风负荷小组委员会主席唐纳德·斯科特(Donald Scott)说:“马克的奉献精神一直很杰出和单一注重。”他补充说:“该代码将在我们实施时挽救生命。”




NIST pitched the idea of a tornado chapter at the first meeting of the ASCE 7-22 wind load subcommittee, in 2018. Discussion followed, mostly about the best location for the methodology. A straw poll determined it should be part of the standard itself, not an appendix or a commentary.

Weaker Tornadoes

The provisions apply only to weaker tornadoes. Levitan says there’s a misperception that it is necessary to design for the worst tornadoes or do nothing. That’s not the case for hurricanes or earthquakes, he says. He adds that “much of the damage, on an annual basis, is done by weaker tornadoes,” because there are so many more of them.

The standard also only applies to buildings in tornado-prone regions classified as essential facilities, such as hospitals, and places of public assembly.
Currently, Levitan is working on a study of the structural cost premium for tornado design and a separate standard for wind speed estimation during strong windstorms. This work is “only in its infancy,” he says.