开发商Long Ridge Energy在2019年开始在俄亥俄州南部汉尼拔镇的一家封闭金属工厂的天然气燃烧动力装置上开始工作,该工厂设置为数据中心和商业枢纽服务,这是不好的事。。



A nearby chlorine plant’s hydrogen by-product will be the initial supply, but eventually the $500-million Long Ridge Energy Center—built by Kiewit Corp. and including a special General Electric turbine—will transition to 100% “green” hydrogen from renewable sources.

Wholey says the plant will benefit from its Ohio River location for ready water supply, and is set to include hydrogen storage caverns and green hydrogen pilot projects. “When we started down this path, no one was even talking about hydrogen,” he says.

Long Ridge说,该植物是全球第一个将氢混合到GE H级燃气轮机中的植物,能够燃烧至50%的混合物,并进行调整,可以到2030年达到100%。

Wholey notes hydrogen’s higher cost as the “bottleneck,” but says the on-site pilots will reduce it. “We wanted to be the first, and over time the cost will go down and it will still be a good investment,” he says.

沃利本人被称为“ bo”,似乎具有正确的行政品质,可以使该项目充分发挥潜力 - 将匹兹堡本地人的区域敏感性与前华尔街投资银行家和基础设施的财务和冒险交易相结合私募股权投资者。

Since joining Long Ridge in 2017, now part of developer New Fortress Energy, he has pushed efforts to raise nearly $600 million of plant project finance and locked up key long-term, fixed-price power sales.

“The impact of Bo Wholey’s leadership on Long Ridge and the influence this project is having on an evolving energy sector is undeniable,” says Jason Rowell, associate vice president of new energy solutions for Black & Veatch, which handled plant engineering, including its hydrogen integration. “The innovation taking place at the Long Ridge Energy Center and the lessons learned will inform decarbonization efforts across the global power sector. Harnessing hydrogen’s potential and unlocking its economics across production, storage, distribution and application is this generation’s moonshot."

With technology giants and others seeking more carbon-free power, Wholey is confident the plant will spur development of a hydrogen hub to reinvigorate its economically hard-hit region. “That’s what investors look for in planning plant sites,” he says, not fazed by financial or environmental skeptics.


The new infrastructure funding program includes $7.5 billion for plants like Long Ridge, said U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), who voted for the legislation. “It’s pretty exciting that here in Ohio we can be at the center of what’s going on in terms of the new technology,“ he said at a Dec. 10 plant tour.

Wholey has identified sites for his firm to develop new hydrogen-fired power plants but won’t disclose details. “It’s all evolving very quickly,” he says.