美国环境保护局计划为三个电力设施的要求拒绝延长截止日期,以关闭地下水的风险,同时仅向另一个提供临时延期。决定发生了part of a larger agency push to strengthen regulation of煤炭燃烧残余物处置和设施包括无线存储。

EPA estimates that there are 500 unlined ash storage pits across the country.


The Obama administration in 2015 published more stringent requirements for coal ash disposal in landfills and surface impoundments, including lining certain types of ash ponds to prevent groundwater pollution, but in 2016 it allowed facilities with inactive impoundments to request extensions to comply.


“这是EPA自2015年规则的制定以来,EPA采取了最重要的行动污染,”南方环境法中心的高级律师弗兰克·霍尔曼(Frank Holleman)表示,这已参与煤灰清理诉讼以上十年。



In addition, the agency says it will require companies to address any groundwater pollution beyond simply allowing pollutants to dilute over time. EPA will also more stringently oversee groundwater monitoring.

Some utilities and state agencies have already been well along on the path of removing coal ash from unlined pits, including utility杜克能源,总部位于北卡罗来纳州,弗吉尼亚州的统治,以及南卡罗来纳州的所有公用事业。


But many unlined pits remain to be addressed across the country. Holleman cites the ash pond at Georgia Power’s decommissioned Hammond power plant site, among other unlined pits the company had planned to leave as such, as well as Tennessee Valley Authority sites across Tennessee.

虽然EPA确定了两个ameren所有的密苏里州,Meramec Energy Center和Sioux Energy Center的延伸请求,但国家部门的自然资源最近授予其其他网站Labadie Energy Center的许可证,从而释放污染物两个封闭的坑;环保署计划为遗留蓄水量创建法规。

被剥夺的植物是麦迪逊的墨西哥溪发电站;俄亥俄州柴郡的Gavin发电厂;和爱荷华州奥塔姆瓦的奥塔姆瓦发电站。临时延伸到凯斯维尔的H.L. Spurlock Power Station,KY。铰链对地下水监测解决问题。

These are the first of 52 completed requests for extension the agency is reviewing. Decisions for the remaining requests will occur over the next few months, EPA said.

“我们预计植物主大能源发言人梅丽莎麦卡尔维尔Melissa Mccarville说,我们不会对Ottumwa发电站的运营产生影响。“自从我们11月2020年11月向EPA提交申请以来,共同体能源继续采取措施,完成池塘关闭并减轻环境影响,”她补充说,这符合规则。