
一群国家和Associated Builders and Contractors(ABC)曾向下级法院提出反对去年9月乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统颁发的任务命令作为行政命令。


But Cincinnati appellate court Chief Judge R. Guy Cole, the dissenter, said that the Biden order promotes economy and efficiency by reducing COVID-19 spread, “which will decrease worker absence, reduce labor costs and improve efficiency of contractors and subcontractors at sites.”


According to Cole's opinion, “Congress clearly intended to grant the President direct and broad-ranging authority over those larger administrative and management issues that involve the Government as a whole." The fact that the order also is a valid public health objective does not mean it exceeds the President’s authority under the law, he said.





Justice Dept. Arguments

Department lawyers noted that between March 2020 and February 2021, the pandemic cost $138 billion in lost work hours among full time private sector U.S employees. The Government Accountability Office said in the first six months of the pandemic, that the US Energy Dept. alone spent more than $550 million reimbursing contractors for COVID-19-related paid leave. They also noted vaccine mandate success at United Airlines and Tyson Foods, which had more than 99% and 96% of their respective workforces comply.

司法律师说,正如美国最高法院最近得出结论,在裁定适用于某些卫生保健工作者的疫苗授权时,行政部门可以“对包括疫苗接种要求的Medicare和Medicaid [资金]的接收者施加参与条件,”法院应维护相同的疫苗接种要求,以便参加联邦签约。

The lower court in Atlanta did not take issue with the connection between required vaccine and the statutory goal of an economical and efficient federal contracting system, but said the executive order exceeded the President’s authority because Congress did not authorize using the 1949 procurement law to impose vaccination requirements.

Government lawyers argued that requiring federal contractor workforce vaccination in response to a pandemic emergency “is the type of decision that Congress has entrusted the President to make.”



The lower court also found that compliance costs of following the order were “irreparable.”

But the Atlanta appeals court previously held that compliance costs could only be irreparable if economic conditions are so bleak that they would put an entity out of business. “Most plaintiffs are sovereign states or their agencies, none of which faces the threat of economic insolvency,” the government lawyers said.

Associated Builders and Contractors


The lower court, which found only two ABC member firms that had established injury from the mandate, erred by granting a nationwide federal injunction on that basis, the lawyers said.

Attorneys also said ABC did not produce evidence to substantiate its claim that member firms would be forced to undertake mass firings without an injunction. The group's claim that “some employees of some employers might quit rather than be vaccinated” is speculative and does not show an irreparable injury is likely, the government said.



Briefs from mandate challengers that sued in the Atlanta district court, including several states and ABC, are due to the appellate court next month.

Others Weigh In

同时,案件观察家推测美国最高法院如何看待承包商的授权,如果要同意进行案件审查,遵循大法官ruling earlier this monthto halt the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration vaccine mandate for all employers of 100 or more.

"In some respect, the government may argue that it has wide authority to condition the receipt of appropriated funds through federal contracts, including a vaccine mandate. However, the courts have not been persuaded that the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act permits the government to impose such a sweeping vaccine mandate," says Shaun Kennedy, a partner at Washington, D.C., law firm Holland & Hart, who specializes in government contracts. "Other courts have commented that the federal contractor mandate raises other constitutional and legal considerations, such as conflicting with the Tenth Amendment," which governs states' rights.

While the federal contractor vaccine mandate is halted as it winds through its legal path, the contractors affected by it still raise questions.

Firms "are still concerned about particulars on compliance and still being able to focus on important work for federal clients," says Steve Hall, government affairs vice president for the American Council of Engineering Cos., which includes a number of federal contractors. "This industry performs some pretty essential work for the government, in some cases, specialized or classified."

Hall refers to remaining uncertainties in the broad contractor mandate that may apply to an ACEC member's employees who are not involved on a federal project. "The policy is uncertain about waivers in certain situations," he says. "ACEC is focusing on the practical side, how to implement something that our members can abide by and still do work."

The legal challenges "present the administration with the opportunity to fine tune" order compliance, says Hall. ACEC, which has not been a party to lawsuits, "is trying to work with agencies to tailor [mandate] implementation," says Hall.

