A New York construction industry advisory group, created under a law州长凯西·霍克尔(Kathy Hochul)签署于12月,将研究并建议调整州公共合同,以解决承新利luck包商,分包商和其他人因公共项目的付款延误而造成的损失。18luck官网



介绍该立法的D-Queens的州参议员Leroy Comrie和众议员Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn,D-Brooklyn也介绍了另一个法案this month to increase the council to 23, adding a member representing service-disabled veteran businesses, and to specify that it is only a temporary group.


Comrie says the goal is to address problems in the public contracting process related to project payment reimbursement and even the way jobs are procured—resulting from feedback he’s received from industry participants..

“There have been a lot of problems with all aspects of the contracting process in terms of payment, reimbursement and actually even the way that jobs are promulgated,” he says.

So far, the plan has drawn support from both industry trade groups and workers who say they hope to work with the advisory council to improve public contracting.


纽约’s current public contracting laws are “some of the most convoluted and archaic of any state in the country " said Brian Sampson, president of the Associated Builders and Contractors' Empire State Chapter,



纽约市官员报告了资本项目流程的一些改善,这要归功于采用18luck官网设计、在2019年的《纽约市公共工程投资法》之后的方法。当时的议会比尔·德·布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)在11月说,设计建造过程已经剃光了两年的项目,该项目在布鲁克林的East Flatbush建立了新的娱乐中心。科姆里说,但是,纽约市和全州的公共签约过程仍然有改善的余地。

“It’s gotten better with design-build implementation over the last couple of years, but there’s still a lot of problems with the validity and synchronization of jobs from the beginning to end of projects, especially when it comes to the assigning of work and the tracking of work and the payment for work,” he says.