An Illinois bill would hold contractors liable if any subcontractors they hire fail to pay employees on a project.

The bill,HB3293,将对所有私人项目的责任增加责任,除了售价不到100,000美元的私人项目,所有18luck官网者从2022年7月1日开始担任“主要承包商”。法案的规定将要求分包商对承包商赔偿任何由于未能付钱给自己的员工而损失的钱。去年10月,它通过州参议院通过了修正案,并正在等待众议院投票。伊利诺伊州州长J.B. Pritzker(D)如果通过众议院投票,预计该法案将签署该法案。

州参议员克里斯特纳·卡斯特罗(Cristina Castro)(D-Elgin)的州参议员克里斯蒂娜·卡斯特罗(Cristina Castro)说,他的工作是确保劳动者为自己的工作报酬。

"With construction projects, we often see multiple subcontractors all working on one site, so it’s important to make sure that no employee gets lost in the shuffle, and if they do, there is a mechanism to make sure they are fairly compensated," Castro said in a statement.

一些行业团体担心立法将为合同过程增加成本和并发症。18luck.cub芝加哥联合总承包商执行董事汤姆·库库利奇(Tom Cuculich)说,他的小组和其他人“坚决反对这项法案”,因为如果涉嫌工资盗窃案,他们已经在集体谈判协议中包含了正当程序。根据该法案,他说,如果承包商向不支付雇员付款的分包商支付分包商,则可以有效地将劳动力填充。

“It does nothing to hurt the bad actors, because they just close up shop and move down the road and start a new business,” he says.


“The generals (contractors) aren’t going to take a risk on somebody they haven’t done business with for many years,” Cuculich says.

The bill is similar to a law signed inNew York去年,但两者之间有一个关键区别,根据律师事务所的芝加哥办公室的共同领导者戴克玛(Dykema)的建筑团队共同领导的律师史蒂文·莫罗斯科夫斯基(Steven Mroczkowski)表示。《纽约法律》对分包商提出了义务,向雇用其承包商提供认证的工资记录。如果分包商不符合报告要求,则法律允许承包商扣留付款,直到他们证明已支付雇员为止。


If the Illinois bill passes as it currently stands, Cuculich says he expects contractors will turn to tools like retention bonds to protect themselves. Mroczkowski says contractors will need to make sure they add contract provisions allowing them to review and audit their subcontractors’ payroll records, though he notes that may add an expense of needing to hire someone with the technical knowledge to conduct those audits.