
A 22-member panel appointed by the administration of Gov. Charlie Baker (R) will be tackling that and other thorny issues during the next 10 months, with buildings and homes accounting for roughly a third of all greenhouse-gas emissions in the state. The Baker administration has tasked the commission to come up with recommendations on how the state will meet its obligations under theGlobal Warming Solutions Actpassed last March. The legislation calls for Massachusetts to slash emissions below 1990 levels by 2030, ratcheting that up to 75% by 2040, then to zero net emissions by 2050.


“The crux of the issue, in my mind, is what we are going to do with natural gas and oil and the infrastructure that supports it,” says Elizabeth Turnbull Henry, president of the Environmental League of Massachusetts. “Are we going to continue to use these pipelines 30 years from now?”


Many of those buildings in Boston and beyond have struggled since the pandemic erupted in the U.S. two years ago. Companies are still sorting out what their remote-work/in-office balance will be when the latest surge finally recedes.

In addition, some corporate tenants are taking advantage of a glut of empty office space on the market to move up to better digs in newer office towers.

That has left owners of many buildings with declining revenues at the same time that state and city officials eye new and stricter emissions requirements.

“People are still trying to figure out, as we keep getting variant after variant, what the new world is going to look like after the return to work,” says Greg Vasil, head of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board. “We are already seeing people take less space.”

STANTEC Architectution的可持续性设计负责人兼高级助理Blake Jackson说,放松过渡的一种方法是,进行重大升级,而不是一次性项目,将其从天然气转变为旧建筑物的电力。在美国东北部


Electricity is not as efficient for heating as natural gas. And if no other building improvements are made, such as pumping in insulation and installing energy-efficient windows, that will push up the cost for building owners and tenants, Blake says.



也有需要新塔的担忧and other buildings to go electric as well.

In particular, that could drive up the cost of housing, especially on the rental side, leaving tenants to grapple with higher utility bills.


该委员会将由能源与环境事务执行官副部长朱迪·昌(Judy Chang)主持,将于3月举行首次公开​​听证会。

The commission “will bring together stakeholders to take on our most pressing emissions reduction challenges in the building sector through a collaborative, inclusive approach,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides, in a press statement.