
ARTBA report,2月2日发布的是对联邦公路管理局(FHWA)国家桥梁库存中包含的数据的分析,截至2021年,该数据总计619,588个桥梁。Artba说,大约有224,000个桥梁需要维修。其中,有43,578个在结构上归类为结构缺陷,包括蕨类空心桥崩溃了in Pittsburgh on Jan. 28.


But the association said that at that rate of improvement, it would take 30 years to fix all of the bridges that need repairs.

Pennsylvania, which has been a focus of attention since the bridge collapse, has 23,166 bridges, of which 3,198, or 13.8%, are in poor condition or worse, according to the report. The state also has reduced its number of structurally deficient bridges by 4,147 since 2017,



这release of the ARTBA report comes as Congress is facing the Feb 18 expiration of a stopgap appropriations bill.

That stopgap’s limit on highway obligations, based on 2021 levels, has prevented state transportation departments from being able to obligate the full amount of increased highway funding authorized in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).


这top appropriators from both parties and both houses of Congress have been discussing a full-year spending package. And Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a Feb. 2 statement that those lawmakers were scheduled to meet again later that day.


Dave Bauer, ARTBA president and chief executive officer, said in a statement, “The longer it takes to bridge the political divide on the FY 2022 spending bills, the longer it will take for transportation improvements to get started.”


Besides the large amount of multi-purpose IIJA highway money that has been distributed by formula, the massive infrastructure package also has two new programs targeted specifically to bridge work.

FHWA on Jan. 14 already apportioned to states the $5.3 billion 2022 installment of the IIJA’s new five-year, $27-billion Formula Bridge Program. A senior Biden administration official has said that the Formula Bridge Program is expected to repair or upgrade up to 15,000 of the 43,000-plus bridges in poor condition—or what the ARTBA report terms structurally deficient.

What’s more, that $5.3 billion is “available for obligation immediately and are not subject to any limitation on obligations,” Deputy Federal Highway Administrator Stephanie Pollack said.

这other bridge program, for which U.S. DOT will select the winning projects, totals $12.5 billion over five years.
