Over-budget and off-schedule are two phrases no one wants to hear. However, infrastructure projects regularly run over their allotted time and end up costing a lot more than budgeted. According to global construction industry statistics, 90% of global infrastructure projects are over budget or delayed.

遗失目标和截止日期的原因有很多 - 贫困项目管理,设计缺陷,供应链问题,沟通不良等。当您深入研究根本原因时,您会发现没有正确的项目管理工具(例如通用数据环境(CDE))可能会花费您的项目数百万美元。

For example, a CDE provides efficient and effective project management. Using a CDE to organize your construction documents on large-scale and complex infrastructure projects keeps your project on track and out of the red.




2. Saves You Time


3.快速部署一个d Easily


4. Simplifies Update Processes

Much like the concerns surrounding the deployment of new technologies, organizations are often put off by the need to update software. With a CDE solution, maintenance is the provider's responsibility, and any updates should occur in the background to not disrupt work.

5. Increases Productivity

A CDE provides a centralized location for creating, managing and storing documents and valuable information. Rapid searching, sorting and filtering of information means that it can be sourced, collaborated on and presented in a few simple clicks.

6. Ensures Security

Security will always come into question when dealing with classified or confidential information. Additionally, the fact that paper can be easily stolen or destroyed means that crucial documents could be compromised at any time. A CDE uses version control to ensure that original files are never lost and that all changes are auditable.

7. Adheres to Green Business Practices

组织需要考虑可持续发展dhere to growing standards surrounding “green” business practices. Reducing the impact on the environment isn’t always easy, so implementing a CDE is a big step in the right direction. The digitization and digitalization of processes are vital components of an environmentally friendly business model.

不matter how complicated your infrastructure project is, you will save time and money by adopting a Common Data Environment. In an increasingly digital world, it is integral that businesses adopt emerging technologies to boost their productivity and security online.



雷切尔·凯里(Rachel Carey)是Asite的数字内容营销人员,ASITE是领先的开放项目管理平台,旨在管理资本项目和投资以及一般建筑项目。18luck官网