数字双胞胎正在增强全球计划,建造和运营的资本项目和基础设施的方式。18luck官网然而,尽管他们明显的好处 - 精选的决策和更好的项目成果 - 以及成功的用例,数字双胞胎仍然是一种新的且大多是未开发的资源。这是正确的,尤其是在更大的项目中最有影响力的项目。18luck官网



Obstacles Impeding Digital Twins

数字双胞胎结合了不同的技术 - 传感器和工业互联网(IIT)数据收集工具。然后,应用高级分析和机器学习,以获得对物理资产的进度,绩效和运营的宝贵实时见解。



资本项目的最后阶段还使用数字双胞胎 - 运营数据可以预测故障,模拟更新,开处方纠正过程和预测维护时间表。


Early adopters of the technology, such as city planners, are already reaping the benefits of adopting digital twins. Effectively deployed data and subsequent simulation models provide city stakeholders with the tools to optimize decision making and enhance outcomes. Digitally creating urban locations works as simulation models to test and analyze how the city operates.



Changing Mindset and Overcoming Obstacles


The AEC sector is one of the least digitized and has historically underinvested in technology compared to other sectors.


The sector also remains fragmented and uncoordinated. At its very essence, it is based on one-off projects and temporary relationships. Stakeholders focus on individual projects leading to insufficient knowledge transfer from project to project. This in turn means insights are routinely lost, and deployed solutions are not optimized.




Making Digital Twins a Reality


Partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is stronger interest in digital twin technologies in North America. The digital twin industry is estimated to soar from $3.8 billion to almost $36 billion by 2025, according to an analysis by research firm市场和市场

As discussed inAsite’s Digital Engineering report, capital project owners and project managers on all types of infrastructure projects can start making progress by adopting an interoperable, integrated and inclusive approach to construction globally.



The AEC sector can also look to smart cities for inspiration. Smart cities exploit the advancements in technologies, including the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), to create a single virtual replica of the city. This is then shared and used by all relevant stakeholders.

By overcoming these barriers, the AEC sector will capitalize on their data and truly begin to make the most of digital twins.



These stakeholders must invoke the necessary changes, as discussed throughout this article, from the beginning of their projects and in collaboration with their project teams. Only then can they make digital twins a reality and prevent being left behind.

Digital twins are fast becoming essential technology. However, if they are ever to be successfully deployed on large-scale capital projects, this approach needs to be enacted sooner rather than later.

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About the Author:


作为一个美国人他花了20年的基础UK and 13 years married to his British wife Emma and raising two Anglo-American kids together, he recognizes the importance of international collaborative working. Nathan has been active in standards work for collaborative BIM throughout his career with involvement in BuildingSMART, OpenBIM, and the British Standards Institute working groups for data interoperability.

Nathan is a graduate of Rice University in Houston, Texas.