总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)2月4日扩展多年来,特朗普政府对太阳能电池板通常使用的进口晶体光伏电池和模块的收费,但是在太阳能开发人员的优惠中,他还简化了排除双面面板的术语,这些术语可以在两侧使用并在太阳能中使用,并使用农场和其他公用事业级设施。

If Biden had not acted, the Trump tariffs would have expired on Feb, 6.

“尽管我们对延长201 [1974年贸易法案]的第201节的决定感到失望,但我们感谢Biden Administration清楚地考虑了受此决定影响的问题范围“太阳能”代表太阳能技术制造商的工业协会在一份声明中说。

关于two-thirds of solar modules on rooftops and in utility installations are made in China, and about 15% are made in southeast Asia by Chinese-owned companies, with only 2% made by U.S.-based solar manufacturers, according to data from IHS/Markit.

The four-year extension also doubles the import quota on solar cells—the main energy-generating component of photovoltaic panels—to 5 GW before tariffs kick in. The U.S. imported around 2.7GW of solar cells and panels last year, says data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.


国家电气承包商协会(National Electrical Contractors Association)的成员负责大多数住宅和公用事业规模的太阳能电池板安装,但拒绝评论关税的延长。2月4日,没有立即返回给负责主要小组安装项目的工会的国际电气工人兄弟会的消息。18luck官网