


商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)说:“该法案对我们的经济,工人,国家安全至关重要,并将释放下一代美国的创新和科学进步。”


修正案to the COMPETES Act add provisions similar to parts of the stalled Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act that would impact labor negotiations.

在一封写给众议院议长南希·佩洛西(加州。) and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) before the vote, the Associated General Contractors of America urged representatives to vote against the bill, writing that it would in some cases eliminate workers’ rights to use secret ballots in union representation elections, and add “artificial and unrealistic time constraints” to collective bargaining.

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers, which includes those in construction, praised the bill’s funding for supply chains and chip production, but Kip Eideberg, AEM senior vice president of government and industry relations, said in a statement that it “still needs a lot of work” and that lawmakers need to establish a transparent process for equipment makers to petition for tariff exclusions.

Unions including the AFL-CIO and International Brotherhood of Teamsters support of the bill. North America’s Building Trades Unions did not immediately respond to an inquiry from ENR. Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa said in a statement that the bill would bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. “I urge the Senate to adopt these pro-worker trade reforms when both chambers work out differences between the two bills,” he said.



与贸易有关的立法的一部分可能是其最有争议的作品,甚至比工会问题更多。投票反对《竞争法》的唯一民主党人斯蒂芬妮·墨菲(Stephanie Murphy)(D-Fla。)在概述她的反对派的声明中强调了其贸易部门。

“The House bill does more to limit trade than to enhance trade, even though expanded trade helps far more American workers than it hurts, reduces the prices that American consumers pay for goods and services, and is a powerful weapon in our strategic competition with China,” she said.

Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), the lead Republican sponsor of the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, said in a statement that he was disappointed House lawmakers did not take work on a bipartisan bill the way senators did last year.

“As we head to a conference process, my hope is that the final legislation will reflect the Senate bill and give House Republicans a much better option to support,” he said. “The Senate-passed bill focuses directly on confronting China and getting legislation like USICA across the finish line will ensure the United States leads the world into the future.”



Meanwhile, chip producers have been moving to increase U.S. production.

英特尔上个月宣布将建造$20-billion complex俄亥俄州有两种芯片植物,称为“晶圆厂”,并计划在新墨西哥州开设另一个芯片。英特尔和台湾半导体制造公司都在亚利桑那州建造新的工厂。三星shared plans in November to build a fab outside of Austin, Texas.

Al Thompson, Intel vice president of government relations, urged lawmakers to work quickly to reach an agreement. “Funding the CHIPS Act is critical to level the playing field with global competitors, protect our domestic supply chain, and invest in U.S. jobs and manufacturing."