宾夕法尼亚州的官员正在前进,为匹兹堡的Fern Hollow Bridge建造一个替代者,该桥梁于1月28日倒闭,选择了HDR Inc.和Swank Construction的团队,以设计和建造新结构,并批准了2530万美元的批准该项目的联邦资金。

宾夕法尼亚州运输部发言人亚历克西斯·坎贝尔(Alexis Campbell)通过电子邮件说:“团队“动员到该网站,并开始工作”。

Meanwhile, the National Transportation Safety Board, which has launched an in-depth probe of the collapse, has released an中期报告事故没有造成死亡,但导致倒塌时桥上的车辆中有10人受伤。

As expected, the report, issued on Feb. 7, includes factual details, but does not contain findings of the collapse's probable cause. That finding will be part of the NTSB’s final report, which will not be finished for perhaps 12 to 18 months, according to Chair Jennifer Homendy.

The interim report does, however, include some notable specifics. For example, it states, “Initial assessment of bridge components indicates that the collapse initiated at the west end of the structure.”





NTSB also indicated that its investigation will cover the bridge’s design, condition, maintenance, rehabilitation, inspection and load-rating history.


NTSB said, “All aspects of the collapse remain under investigation while the NTSB determines the probable cause, with the intent of issuing safety recommendations to prevent similar events.”




2月4日,宾夕法尼亚州州长汤姆·沃尔夫(D)和匹兹堡市长埃德·盖尼(D)宣布that PennDOT planned to sign an “emergency contract” with the team of Swank and HDR “to immediately begin design efforts and mobilize to remove the existing bridge.”

The Federal Highway Administration said that on Feb. 1, it authorized PennDOT to use $25.3 million in federal formula funding for the project. Of that, $22.6 million will come from the Highway Infrastructure Program’s bridge replacement and rehabilitation funds. The other $2.7 million from the National Highway Performance Program.

FHWA said, “The state decides how to use this funding and FHWA reviews the request.”

Penndothad explored the use of a different type of funding, from FHWA's Emergency Relief Program, but decided to draw on the formula-funding categories.
