McKim & Creed Inc., Houston, has appointed Street Lee as the company’s next CEO. John T. Lucey Jr., McKim & Creed’s CEO since 2014, will continue to serve in the role of chairman of the board.

AG|CM, Houston, has named Marty Schmitt as president and chief operations officer. Schmitt previously served as chief operations officer and vice president of the East Texas region.

尼克·摩尔德纳(Nick Moldaner)

Impetus (formerly Palmisano), New Orleans, announced that尼克·摩尔德纳(Nick Moldaner)has been promoted to chief operating officer. Brad Shannon was promoted to market leader for New Orleans, and Stephen Abadie was named team leader in the infrastructure division.

Embree Group宣布了其三家公司的领导变革,所有公司都位于德克萨斯州乔治敦。科里·德尔兹(Cory Delz)已从执行副总裁晋升为Embree Construction Group Inc.的总裁。弗兰克·克雷克(Frank Krenek)将担任该公司的新首席执行官。

约西亚·伯恩斯(Josiah Byrnes)已从执行副总裁晋升为Embree Capital Markets Group Inc. Rocky Hardin将担任Embree Capital Markets Group的新首席执行官。

菲利普·安妮已经提升为CEO Embree Development Group Inc. He will continue to serve as the company’s president. Jim Embree, former CEO of Embree Development Group, will serve as the firm’s new executive chairman.

Slack & Co. Contracting, Houston, has hired John Decker as controller. His 20 years of experience includes serving as CFO of Marquis Construction. Karen Kershner has been promoted to executive vice president of organizational development. Richard Gann is now vice president of operations. Heath Bratton is now vice president of preconstruction. Dale Kornegay was elevated to vice president of business development.

HKS has made several hires in its Dallas office. Christopher Rice has joined the firm as a vice president. Jerry Stuff was hired as business development director in the education studio. Sara Dickinson was hired as a principal and as director of commercial interiors. Mary Hart has joined as a principal and senior project manager to lead strategic development of operations centers.

Clint Menefee

Smithgroup在其达拉斯办公室宣布了一系列促销活动。Clint Menefeehas been promoted to vice president. He has led the higher education studio for Texas and surrounding states since 2016. Director of operations Carl Price has been promoted to principal. Senior designer Kalman Nagy has been elevated to principal. Michael Luce has been promoted to engineering discipline leader.

丹·麦克卢尔(Dan McClure)在奥斯丁(Austin)的高级校长中重新加入了Sunstruct Tone。他之前曾在2005年为该公司工作。贾斯汀·古德曼(Justin Goodman)被任命为Suncupent Tone Southwest Houston办公室的业务发展副总裁。

沃思堡的商标房地产公司已聘请菲利普·韦尔奇(Philip Welch)担任建筑与发展副总裁。他以前曾担任Weis Builders Inc.的前局长。

Colden Rich已晋升为Enprotec/Hibbs&Todd Inc.(EHT)的副副总裁。自2013年以来,他一直在EHT工作。

Tellepsen已聘请Todd Robinson担任植物服务副总裁。最近,他曾担任美国合资驱动程序集团的总裁。

JCJ Architecture has announced the promotion of Tulsa designer Amy (Harrell) Hull and Tulsa architect Randall Hull to principal. Amy Hull serves as studio leader for JCJ’s Tulsa office. Randall Hull serves as architect and project director.

科里·林奇(Corey Lynch)和斯蒂芬妮·法伦(Stephanie Fallon)已晋升为Philowi​​lke Partnership Houston Office的合伙人。林奇(Lynch)担任市场经理,法伦(Fallon)担任Interiors主管。

Grace Hebert Curtis Architecture (GHC) has hired Phil Callison as its new civic practice leader based in the firm’s Dallas office. New architectural senior leaders in GHC’s Baton Rouge office are Gary “Jimmy” Hebert Jr., and Jody Gascon. Catherine “Cat” Kogel was named administrative senior leader. Promoted from the Dallas office are Jeff Billman, architectural senior leader, and Kristin Lopez, interiors senior leader. New associates in the Baton Rouge office are Barry Lann, architect; Kelsey Adams, interior design; and Rebecca Moses, business development. New associates from the Dallas office are Ben Marshall, architect, and Rebecca Bowen, architect.

达拉斯的Neel-Schaffer Inc.已聘请Chris Hocate担任北德克萨斯州的工程师经理和运输实践负责人。

汤姆·伍兹(Tom Woods)已晋升为EYP休斯顿办事处的运营总监。伍兹为他的新角色带来了25年以上的管理和设计经验。简·鲍曼(Jane Baughman)被提升为项目交付总监。鲍曼(Baughman)为她的新角色带来了超过29年的计划和设计经验。

弗兰克·麦克林(Frank McIllwain)被任命为加弗(Garver)的航空总监,总部位于该公司的德克萨斯州弗里斯科(Frisco)办公室。他在公司工作了23年。

Liang Wu

Liang Wuhas joined PBK as an associate principal and director of interior architecture. He has more than 18 years of architectural design experience and will oversee PBK’s interior design team.

Coleman Partners Architects LLC has promoted three staff architects to senior associate level. John Lackett is in the Baton Rouge office, Marcelle Walter is in the firm’s New Orleans office and Kahne O’Banion is in the firm’s Houston office.

Kai Design已聘请Charles Hoffmann担任达拉斯 - 沃思堡办事处的高级项目建筑师。自1991年以来,霍夫曼一直在达拉斯地区担任项目建筑师。

杰弗里·罗伯茨(Jeffrey Roberts)已加入洛克伍德(Lockwood),安德鲁斯(Andrews&Newnam)公司(LAN),担任达拉斯(Dallas)的高级项目经理。罗伯茨(Roberts)曾在公共和私人客户的工程项目Halff Associates工作。18luck官网

Smith Seckman Reid Inc. has hired the following individuals across Texas in recent months. In Houston: Karen Atilano as a MEQ project coordinator; Bryan Garza as a project manager; Martha Jamali as an electrical senior designer; Firas Rasheed as a mechanical engineer; Ross Roberts as a mechanical EIT; and Sergio Santos as a building enclosure EIT. In Dallas: Hyung Choi was hired as an electrical project manager; Jordan Moll as a construction administrator; Christopher Powell as an electrical EIT; and Martin Torres as a senior project manager.

张伯林屋顶和防水宣布在其德克萨斯州的办公室宣布促销。在达拉斯,大卫·梅奎特(David Mequet)被提升为高级估算员,卡梅隆·贝克(Cameron Beck)被提升为项目经理。在奥斯汀,劳尔·埃尔南德斯(Raul Hernandez)被提升为1.校长。在休斯敦,PD McIntyre被提升为高级估算员,Eddie Silva被提升为项目经理。

Woolpert, Houston, has hired Fawzi Abou-Hossa, a veteran civil engineer and former Texas Dept. of Transportation project manager, as a senior project manager for transportation. He managed consulting contracts at TxDOT for more than 21 years.

杰伊·兰斯顿(Jay Langston)加入了HITT承包团队,担任该公司奥斯汀办公室,领先的基础建筑,多户家庭和数据中心项目的项目主管。18luck官网

Doug Hayes has joined Summit Design + Build as a project executive to grow the firm’s new Austin office. He was previously a project manager for Raymond Construction Co.


SUNDT Construction已雇用并促进了德克萨斯州的几个人。鲍勃·米切尔has joined Sundt as a project executive in its industrial group, based in Houston. Kevin Graf has been hired as a project director in the Dallas transportation group. Alexi Santillan was promoted to project engineer in El Paso. Sundt has hired Guillermo Barba, Ralf Berlanga, Jaz Mwiseneza, Guillermo Ovies, Jared Clements and Matt Fuss with the transportation group in San Antonio and Austin. Nicholas Shumate was hired as a senior estimator in the transportation group in Dallas-Fort Worth.

瑞安·戈特(Ryan Gootee)总承包商有限责任公司,路易斯安那州梅塔里(Metairie),最近聘请了前暑期实习生杰克·哈曼特(Jake Hammant)和杰克·兰多(Jake Rando)为专职项目工程师。