道奇建筑网络首席经济学家理查德·布兰奇(Richard Branch)在2月15日的季度建设开始预测中说,在持续的恢复中,大流行将继续为整体经济活动设定课程。


After a soft 2022 first quarter due to Omicron, Branch expects a sharp rebound in the second quarter, despite ongoing issues with inflation and labor shortages.

Overall, Dodge forecasts a 9% boost in construction starts this year. “I think that we are going to see a much more broad-based growth here in 2022 across the sectors [than in 2021],” said Branch.

Residential sector starts, measured in number of units, are expected to rise 3% after a sharp increase of 14% in both 2020 and 2021. Multi-family construction is set to increase 2% following a 23% boost in 2021. “Multi-family has really just been on a tear over the last six to eight months,” said Branch, with the largest area of growth n mid-size buildings.



Warehouse construction continues to be a “Goliath,” says Branch, predicted to rise another 17% this year, with manufacturing up 9%. That sector "is where we’ve seen probably the biggest upgrade to our forecast,” he said. pointing to current supply chain issues as a catalyst for the increase. “Domestic producers are going to want to have more flexibility in terms of sourcing product,” said te economist.
