


The task force will also seek to increase embodied emission transparency through supplier reporting, the announcement states, including. through incentives or technical assistance to help materials manufacturers reduce embodied emissions and better report them.

Some state transportation agencies have moved to promote lower embodied emissions materials, but this federal effort has the potential to have wider-reaching effects.

The federal government is the world's largest buyer of goods and services with an annual purchasing power of more than $650 billion, according to GSA.. It can move markets and convince companies to engage, says Lindsay Baker, CEO of the International Living Future Institute, which promotes green building standards.

“As more buildings pursue net zero, the share of carbon pollution coming from materials choices will continue to grow,” Baker said in a statement. “Buy Clean approaches are critical, both to daylight the big differences in carbon intensity among and across materials, and to drive purchasing power at low-carbon options.”

钢铁制造商协会环境与可持续性副总裁埃里克·斯图尔特(Eric Stuart)表示,美国钢铁部门将从政府结构化购买计划中受益,该计划承认绿色产品的价值。在美国,对电动弧炉制造的投资已经导致了一个流程,该过程仅排放出更传统工艺的温室气体排放。

The U.S. has the lowest carbon dioxide emissions per ton of steel produced among the world’s top seven steel producing countries, says Max Puchtel, director of government relations and sustainability at the American Institute of Steel Construction. Both steel groups anticipate working with officials on the effort, they said.


Federal agencies are already getting to work on the initiative.

在白宫宣布的同一天,GSA发布了两项信息,以寻求有关环境产品声明的行业知识的信息concreteand沥青materials. It will use the responses to create national low-carbon concrete and sustainable asphalt standards that will be used for land port of entry projects funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act enacted in November. Those standards may include requiring suppliers to disclose lifecycle impacts of their products, officials say.

“Building materials are a major contributor to global emissions, and we’re excited to hear from industry about innovative products and approaches that can reduce carbon pollution while strengthening our homegrown manufacturing base,” Sonal Larsen, GSA senior advisor on climate, said in a statement.

The Transportation Dept. is planning a pilot program to increase the use of environmental product declarations and to incentivize use of low-carbon materials, the White House says.

波特兰水泥协会表示,其成员将通过瞄准材料生命周期的不同阶段的排放来实现到2050年的碳中立性。PCA总裁兼首席执行官迈克尔·爱尔兰(Michael Ireland)在一份声明中说,政府的举措反映了该组织的思想。他补充说,它计划与政府机构合作。

Should the government later move to add environmental disclosures for steel as well, steelmakers have the documentation to be able to explain their emissions, Stuart of the Steel Manufacturers Association says.

“It’s the right time for this type of buying apparatus to be put in place by the federal government, because it will allow us to educate the government as to the nature of our products, and benefit the domestic economy as a result,” he says.