在不列颠哥伦比亚省的基洛纳国际机场的四点酒店与执行董事共进午餐时,KF航空航天创始人Barry Lapointe掏出一支红笔,问女服务员买一张纸,开始画一架像飞机一样形状的建筑物。

这是在2017年5月,当时他首先想到了这座两层楼的60,000平方英尺KF航空航天卓越博物馆的概念,该博物馆目前在奥卡纳根湖(Okanagan Lake)东海岸的基洛纳(Kelowna)建成。

KF航空航空执行董事宝拉·奎因(Paula Quinn)说,这位繁忙的企业家很快就委派了细节。“‘必须是大规模的木材;它必须看起来像飞机;我希望它在机场建造,”他说,基本上我们……必须用这张小图跑。”奎因回忆道。“他想留下一些可以讲述奥肯那根航空故事的东西。”

The clear airplane “design concept of placing people into a hub sandwiched between two hangars was almost instantaneous,” says Jim Meiklejohn, senior partner at Meiklejohn Architects Inc. in Kelowna and lead architect for the project.

“The challenge was to develop Lapointe’s diagram into an architecture form that was sophisticated but remained simple,” Meiklejohn says. “The roof structure was based on our architectural sketches,” which StructureCraft then modeled using Grasshopper 3D, a plugin that runs inside the Rhino 3D computer-aided design app that maximizes material efficiency to span the space. “The result was reminiscent of a complex curved wing shape,” says Meiklejohn, with spars, trusses and cables.



Green Construction Wood Program

The $26-million project began on KF Aerospace’s 51st anniversary in March 2021 and is scheduled to finish on budget and on schedule for its 52nd anniversary next month, Quinn says. It is the first museum/hangar project of this size with the Green Construction (GC) Wood program, which supports expanding the use of wood in construction and Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy, says Kevin Imthorn, vice president and project manager at Sawchuk Developments Co., the British Columbia-based construction manager for the project. Sawchuk is employing a 2010 construction management contract for services, the Canada-wide standard for CM.

Sawchuk completed its first budget for KF Aerospace in May 2020 based on the current site and produced a Class C budget by December, with a tight timeline to open by March 25.

StructureCraft crews installed 16,856 sq ft of cross-laminated timber (CLT) shear walls, 13,200 sq ft of dowel-laminated timber (DLT) floor panels, 16,000 sq ft of curved DLT roof panels and 9,102 cu ft of glulam beams and columns. Steel used for queen post and reinforcement totals 101,907 kg (224,667 lb). Grizzly Metal Fab supplied all the steel except the spar trusses, which were supplied by Western Manufacturing, both of British Columbia.

wood panels

Photo courtesy Naturally Wood & Agency Media

一位代表说,KF航空航天的唯一股东Lapointe在加拿大自然资源(NRCAN)的支持下为该项目提供了资金,该项目宣布了NRCAN与KF航空航天之间的协议,以支持设计和建设。从那时起,加拿大各地的30名申请人之一(10个获得奖项)又向KF Aerospace授予了100,000美元。但是,KF航空航天的奎因估计迄今为止收到的总数为70万美元,并确认截至2月初,未收到三年内支付的所有资金。
“这将是加拿大第一个此类公司,使用最先进的地板和高木材的系统来容纳列之间的较大间距 - 这是机库的典型设计元素,但尚未使用这座创新的建筑物完成系统。” Nrcan在去年的一份声明中说。


spar trusses

The team developed a concept for spar trusses designed like World War II-era Spitfire fighter planes.
Photo courtesy Naturally Wood & Agency Media


Lucas Epp, vice president and head of engineering at British-Columbia-based structural engineering and timber construction firm StructureCraft, says the team developed a concept for spar trusses designed like World War II-era Spitfire fighter planes. “This spar truss goes along the wing while the rib trusses run perpendicular to the spar trusses and create the shaping of the wing,” he says. This Spitfire-spar-truss concept “turned our roof structure into a giant steel spar truss, spanning across 115-ft-wide operable glass doors, with timber rib trusses that create the shaping,” Epp says. The structural design team matched some of Lapointe’s favorite math equations for how to describe the exact shape of a wing profile to allow them to play with that shape.

In the first meeting with Lapointe, while discussing development of airfoil wing shapes from the Wright brothers to the supersonic stealth fighters, the team chose the classic NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) airfoil equation, Epp recalls. Using that equation, the team took a computational engineering approach to develop “parametric models which used genetic algorithms to optimize and iterate on the different geometrical shapes for the wings using real-time structural analysis to assist in creating the most structurally efficient truss structure,” he says.

DLT and glulam

Photo courtesy Naturally Wood & Shawn Talbot



“This resulted in a second floor that was to be 23 feet above the main floor,” posing the challenge of how to connect these two spaces, says Meiklejohn. The solution was a spiral, freestanding doubly curved CLT timber-concrete composite staircase, Epp says. The design includes timber on the bottom with concrete on the top to add strength and some mass, he notes. StructureCraft is using inhouse radial jigs to build the 24-ft-high by 80-ft-long staircase in halves at its manufacturing facility in Abbotsford, British Columbia. Nothing like it was commercially available in North America or worldwide.

doubly-curved CLT

Fabrication of doubly-curved CLT forms a structurally freestanding CLT staircase. Each CLT lamination had to be form-fitted and glued into place on a custom jig.
Photo courtesy StructureCraft

Code Considerations

During a 2019 design charrette, the owner, Sawchuk and Vancouver-based code consultant GHL joined to consider a hybrid building with two-hour fire separations between the hangars and the building hub, which includes the museum and gallery area, but “settled on a mass timber project” with two-hour separations between the hangars and the hub, Imthorn says. Lapointe was determined to have a mass-timber project that sourced as much timber as possible locally within the province.

To achieve Lapoint’s vision of building a locally sourced project, Sawchuk was successful in sourcing its wood from British Columbia, Imthorn says. In designing its four steel hangar doors, two of which are 40 ft wide by 31 ft tall and two are 114 ft wide by 31 ft tall—a scale that Imthorn claims has never been manufactured before—it chose Powerlift of Minneapolis.


渲染的60000平方英尺KFA Excel中心lence, which expands its “wings” from a central fuselage-shaped hub with conference rooms and offices.
Photo courtesy StructureCraft




“We had to make sure our building sat underneath this OLS, and any time we had a crane set up, we had to have prior approvals from NavCanada and Transport Canada since that would penetrate the OLS,” he says. That required extensive planning since the pandemic made it more difficult to reach officials.
Permitting is currently finalized, with closing documentation required to “rubber stamp” the close of construction for NavCan and Transport Canada, Imthorn says. “They need to know the buildings are in now in the vicinity of their airspace … and we have to put a strobe light on top of the building,” he says.