Ford Motor Co. hired Barton Malow as the general contractor for its BlueOval SK Battery Park project in Kentucky.

The Southfield, Mich.-based contractor, with support from Lexington, Ky.-based Gray Construction, is leading the project for Ford and South Korean battery maker SK Innovation, says Greg Christensen, Ford’s electric vehicle footprint manufacturing director.

As ENR previously reported, the $5.8-billion project will include construction of two电动电池plants福特说,在肯塔基州格伦代尔的1,500英亩校园中,这些植物的总容量为每年86 gwh。电池将用于下一代福特和林肯车辆。

类似于福特和SK关节BlueOval City项目在田纳西州布里奇心中的位置越来越重要,一般的高手tractor, the companies are looking for subcontractors and suppliers for BlueOval SK Battery Park. Ford, Barton Malow and Gray hosted a subcontractor event in Elizabethtown, Ky. on Feb. 17 and will hold more information sessions to be announced, Christensen said. Barton Malow also has a page up onits websitewith contacts for anyone interested in working on the project.

“福特,SK Innovation,Barton Malow和Gray都致力于雇用各种各样的当地劳动力来建造BlueOval SK炮台公园,这是确保肯塔基人将成为为这个国家创造新的高级制造时代的一部分,”克里斯滕森在一份声明中说。

巴顿·马洛(Barton Malow)在Enr的2021年排新利luck名第37位Top 400 Contractors列出了23亿美元的收入。该公司曾从事过以前的福特项目,包括在芝加哥议会厂和密歇根州迪尔伯恩(Dearbo18luck官网rn)的动力总成燃料系统实验室的翻新工程。格雷在最高承包商名单上排名第51,收入为16亿美元,并且拥有汽车行业项目的历史。18luck官网
