恩布里奇活力will issue requests for proposals in the coming weeks for contractors to construct a $500-million Great Lakes Tunnel to carry crude oil and natural gas liquids through the Straits of Mackinac between Michigan and Ontario.

位于艾伯塔省卡尔加里的跨国能源公司发言人瑞安·达菲(Ryan Duffy)表示,RFP流程将花费大约六个月。

The Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority on Feb. 16 concurred with a staff recommendation that Enbridge meets all requirements specified in a 2018 agreement between the firm and the State of Michigan.



The RFP specifies that potential contractors should look at beginning construction of the approximately four-mile tunnel no earlier than first quarter of 2024. It is estimated that work will take at least four years.



The agreement, reached in late 2018 under previous Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R), requires the company to build the tunnel beneath the Straits to contain a new segment of Line 5, which has been the target of environmentalists as a pipeline that endangers the Great Lakes.

The current 68-year-old twin pipelines stretch along the lake bottom with no protection other than their own protective coatings. Even Enbridge concedes that the pipelines, as they are, need to be replaced. The deal for the replacement tunnel was passed by the Michigan legislature and signed by Snyder in the last days of his administration.

现任州长格蕾琴·惠特默(Gretchen Whitmer)(D)认为安全和环境问题是她2020年11月尝试撤销许可证的原因的原因,该许可证允许Enbridge运营该管道。


密歇根州总检察长达娜·内塞尔(Dana Nessel)和惠特默(Whitmer)都提起诉讼,试图在2020年关闭第5行。Enbridge用其自己的诉讼反击以保持其开放。惠特默最终驳回了她的联邦诉讼,但关于内塞尔针对该公司的联邦案件的听证会仍在等待听证会。惠特默现在说,该问题应在州法院解决。

Nessel新闻秘书Lynsey Mukomel拒绝对诉讼或Enbridge进行评论。州长办公室的发言人没有回应置评请求。


“Enbridge remains intensely focused on obtaining the required permits to construct the project,” he said. “While we do so, Enbridge is committed to the sustained and safe operation of Line 5 and has demonstrated that commitment with our enhanced safety measures in the Straits, which include 24/7 monitoring of ship traffic.”


达菲说,大湖隧道将是安全的一步。“将管道放在新的大湖隧道中将提供额外的安全和环境保护层……同时创造密歇根州的工作并确保密歇根州和该地区的能源消费者每天依靠生活来过着生活,并为经济推动经济增长,“ 他说。

Line 5's保护性涂层was damaged in 2018 when a ship dropped a 12,000-lb anchor into the Straits and hit the structure.