

ABC首席经济学家Anirban Basu说:“尽管支出增长缓慢,但劳动力短缺是建筑行业面临的最严重挑战。”

But spending is about to increase dramatically through the rollout of the infrastructure law, “exacerbating the chasm between supply and demand for labor,” Basu adds.


Project delays already are occurring. For example, on Feb. 15, a Taiwanese manufacturer announced that it would extend the completion date by six months for a new $12-billion chip fabrication plant in Phoenix, citing labor shortages as the primary cause.

An additional concern is the decline in the number of construction workers aged 25-54, which fell 8% over the past decade, Basu says.


Labor unions and contractors that work with union labor are also feeling the pain, says Kevin Tighe, vice president of labor relations and field service at the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), whose members are electrical contractors that hire International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) labor to staff their jobs.

Tighe says, “Manpower shortages are our biggest concern right now. There’s large projects coming where we’re struggling to figure out ways to [fully staff].”

Whether union-affiliated or not, contractors are all “competing for the same people," Tighe says. As a result, he adds, “Everyone’s increasing their wages, everyone’s increasing the extras paid on jobs sites. There is a war for talent.”

In the short term, in “hot spots” such as cities in Arizona and Texas experiencing severe shortages, NECA and IBEW are using social media, job fairs, hiring websites and other outreach methods to attract the talent needed to fill a growing list of large projects.


NECA长期以来一直与准备工作这样的团体合作,以雇用以前被监禁的年轻人参加批准计划,并在美国大约20个城市中获得了与此类计划的联邦赠款。“我们100%致力于帮助敲门[有收益的就业]。” Tighe说。

ABC has similar outreach programs and its own workforce development centers across the nation. ABC’s Baltimore Chapter recently established a workforce training academy in East Baltimore, an economically disadvantaged community, and has reached “a lot of people who otherwise might not be aware of the opportunities” presented by construction work, Basu says.