
DOT的联邦航空管理局于2月22日发布了“资金机会通知”for $1 billion in Airport Terminal Program grants. The amount represents the fiscal year 2022 portion of a five-year, $5-billion allocation for the program which was created under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.



Also eligible are access roads that serve only airport traffic and lead directly to or from a terminal and walkway that lead to or from a terminal.



美国机场高管协会政府和公共事务执行副总裁乔尔·培根(Joel Bacon)在接受采访时说,新计划显然是“可喜的一步”。




He also noted that revenue from another important airport infrastructure funding source, passenger facility charges declined sharply after the pandemic hit.FAA data证明PFC收入在2020年下降了53%,至2019年的36亿美元。

Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg said in a陈述, “We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to not just build new airport terminals, but build them in a way that brings opportunity to forgotten communities, increases competition and reduces environmental impact.”

Under the landmark infrastructure law, enacted Nov. 15, large hub airports are to receive up to 55% of the total funding from the terminal grant program. Medium hubs will get up to 15% of the total, and small hubs will receive up to 20%. At least 10% of the total will be set aside for non-hubs and non-primary airports.

The federal cost share for the new grants is 80% for projects at large and medium hub airports and 95% for all of the other categories.

The deadline for submitting applications is March 28.


FAA发布了airport-by-airport apportionmentsfor the $2.9-billion fiscal year 2022 share of that $15 billion in funds in December.



