With the broad adoption of reality capture and the recent arrival of automated construction progress tracking, builders now have access to more objective, easy-to-access data than ever before. Project teams who have historically used manual progress tracking processes are now looking to supplement their current tracking methods with objective data, and teams facing manpower constraints are now able to get ahead of potential impacts to schedule and avoid time-consuming disputes or disagreements. This technology is proving very useful: but it can be difficult to evaluate and choose the right progress tracking tool. Below, we share a few important criteria to help teams navigate these decisions.


As a result, this accurate and timely progress information allows project executives, project managers, and superintendents to focus on maximizing schedule and budget performance. Automated progress tracking raises new questions for our industry—what impacts can we expect from these technologies, and how should these new solutions be assessed?



现在,最近引入的自动化专业gress tracking tools, these teams are able to focus on decision making rather than data gathering. Automated progress tracking data provides fast, accurate, and impartial information so that teams can act with more confidence. This objective data is already impacting the way that our industry does business, and project teams who have adopted these automated progress tracking products are seeing how objective progress data enables them to improve productivity.

特纳(Turner)高级项目经理凯文·奥特(Kevin Ott)说:“制作这些图表的能力使我们能够证明我们正在按照所讨论/预期进行工作。”“这给我们带来了竞争优势。但更重要的是,它为我们的贸易伙伴带来了竞争优势。将来,当我们竞标工作时,他们知道我们正在成功管理工作人员,并且我们将保持效率非常高,这意味着他们可以为我们提供更好的[BID]数字。因此,这些工具可以帮助我们成为更好的建筑商,并取得更多的工作。”

The company I co-founded,开放空间, has used computer vision, AI and machine learning to develop technologies that automatically detect and track materials that have been installed on the site. Our goal is to provide project teams with increased visibility into their projects—and to provide data that is actionable. We heard repeatedly from project teams that they needed more information on their projects in order to move quickly and make better decisions. With our progress tracking tools, teams can see the percentage complete and quantity installed on their projects.

In the last few months, our industry has gone from having relatively no options for automated progress tracking to having a few solutions to choose from. Project teams with advanced manual tracking techniques are looking to further improve their processes with these automated products and teams with manpower constraints are looking to more quickly identify project risks. When evaluating which progress tracking solution is right for your team, it is essential to consider the following criteria: speed, accuracy, completeness, scalability and data coverage.




Capture Speed:对于大多数团队而言,执行实际捕获需要快速且简单。某些捕获类型的天生会比其他类型更长。例如,激光扫描需要时间和清晰的工作岗位才能​​获得准确的读数。

图像或扫描处理速度:Most companies who offer automated tracking solutions will also automatically align the captured image or scan data back to your drawings so that your team can see the capture data overlaid on the plans. These overlaid captures are highly valuable on their own, enabling virtual site monitoring and review. Capture technology has been around longer than progress tracking technology, so these insights can be processed faster.

Depending on the solution you choose, progress data could take days to process, but you should expect image or scan data to be available to you in a matter of hours—or minutes—so that you can act on the current state of your project.

Insight processing speed:Last, insight processing speed is vital when evaluating progress tracking solutions. Insight processing speed is the amount of time that it takes once a capture is performed for percent complete and quantity installed information to become available.

今天,团队利用一个非盟的通用工作流tomated progress tracking solution is for a project engineer to perform the capture at the end of the work day, and for the PMs and superintendents to review the insights the next morning in order to plan, discuss and react to potential risks, approve pay apps, and coordinate trades. Any insight processing speeds greater than 12 hours make it difficult for teams to act on fresh, timely data.



自动进度跟踪解决方案的主要优点之一是一致性和准确性。准确的数据使团队可以自信地做出决策,减少辩论并专注于建设。当项目团队与高度准确和客观的数据合作时,他们能够可靠地批准付费应用程序,更容易与交易合作以进行员工调整,并自信地将工作进度与利益相关者传达。拥有客观的数据使自我从讨论中脱颖而出 - 方面很容易就当前进度的同一页面,并专注于改进或重新逐步发展。质量进度跟踪解决方案目前应有客户报告的准确性,占其自我表演团队所估算的1%至2%的准确性。



In regard to tracking completeness, some solutions only offer tracking for one specific trade or scope of work, others have focused on the final project stages, like rough in and finishes. When evaluating solutions, consider what tracking needs you will have on specific projects and what tracking needs you will have across your portfolio more generally. For example, if you are doing ground-up construction, you should be sure to ask if the solution provides structural tracking.







Data Coverage

While automated progress tracking provides teams with insights about percent complete and quantity installed, teams can also find a lot of value in the capture data that powers these insights. Processing this capture data and aligning it to plans can be costly, and as such some progress tracking solutions will pick and choose which data to align and display. One of the main ways that teams use this raw reality capture data is to resolve disputes or conflicts that may arise after work has been completed. If teams only have access to a fraction of their capture data, they will not have the information they need to work through these challenging situations in the future. When evaluating data coverage, teams can ask questions about which captures are selected, aligned, and accessible, and carefully consider the implications associated with incomplete data.

Accurate and objective progress data is providing an opportunity for increased productivity and collaboration in our industry. It will be interesting to see how these tools continue to evolve and the concrete value that they offer as adoption continues to grow.

您可以了解更多有关Openspace的明显进度跟踪product by visiting our website.