The window of opportunity to pursue climate-resilient development is “rapidly narrowing” and will only become more difficult as global temperatures rise, says the United Nations’Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

In a report released Feb. 28, the UN panel warns that human-induced climate change is putting billions of people around the world at risk of weather extremes. Communities on coasts, small islands, deserts, mountains and polar regions are at particular risk, as are those already facing economic inequities. Some findings were already known, but the report adds new detail about the problem and efforts to solve it.


小组主席Hoesung Lee在一份声明中说:“这份报告是关于无所作为后果的可怕警告。”“这表明气候变化是对我们的健康和健康星球的严重威胁。我们今天的行动将影响人们如何适应和自然对气候风险增加的反应。”

The report was prepared by a working group of 270 scientists from 67 countries. It examines current impacts of climate change and projects future risks, as well as ways to strengthen resilience to climate change.

Resilient development pathways will be especially constrained if global temperatures do reach the 1.5-degree threshold, but there are still ways for governments and the private sector to pursue resiliency for now, the report states. Those developments will require choices that prioritize risk reduction, as well as equity and justice.

Responding to the report's findings, environmental policy and action nonprofit The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions said in a statement that adaptation efforts must be ramped up dramatically as humanity struggles with more intense storms, wildfires, floods and heatwaves associated with climate change.

“We cannot restore enough wetlands, build ever-higher levees, pop-up ever-greater numbers of summer cooling stations, or douse every wildfire we see today – let alone address the needs of a future in which we continually neglect the source of those super-charged disasters,” the group said.

The UN has projected that 2.5 billion more people will be living in urban areas by 2050. Continued urban growth means there are opportunities to integrate adaptation strategies when building or upgrading infrastructure, or building new urban places. Strategies may include a combination of hard- and soft-protection such as sea walls and coastal wetlands, accommodations like elevating houses, dis-incentivizing development in high-risk areas, addressing social vulnerabilities and moving development further inland, the report states.

“共同日益增长的城市化和气候变化造成了复杂的风险,尤其是对于那些已经经历了计划不良的城市增长,高水平的贫困和失业以及缺乏基本服务的城市,”工作组背后的工作组的联合主席黛布拉·罗伯茨(Debra Roberts)报告在一份声明中说。“但是城市还为气候行动提供了机会 - 绿色建筑,可靠的清洁水和可再生能源的供应以及连接城市和农村地区的可持续运输系统都可以导致更具包容性,更公平的社会。”

Development of resilient infrastructure must include long-term planning, the UN panel says. In some cases, poor or insufficient planning has led to "maladaptive" infrastructure that cannot be easily or affordably adjusted and have had unintended negative environmental impacts.

Moreover, resilient infrastructure should strengthen, not weaken, natural systems, report authors assert.

罗伯茨的联合主席汉斯 - 奥特·波特纳(Hans-OttoPörtner)表示,恢复退化的生态系统并保护30%至50%的地球栖息地将通过允许自然吸收和储存碳来使社会受益。报告指出,一些处理气候变化影响的传统策略,例如保护侵蚀海岸线的海墙,可能会因极端天气和失败而淹没。但是在天然海岸,保护性植被将随着海岸线的变化而逐渐移动内陆,并且仍然可以防止灾难性的洪水。


Large wildfires are also expected to increasingly endanger people in North America and impact their jobs, health, property, infrastructure and economic activities, according to the report. Those wildfires will also impact air and municipal water quality, adding more health complications.

U.S. Sen. Tom Carper, (D), chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, said in a statement that the report makes it clear that the U.S. must adapt in response to climate change.
