In a State of the Union address that led off with forcefully outlining U.S. actions aimed at deterring Russia’s attack on Ukraine, President Joe Biden also pledged to follow through on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, describing a strong 2022 start in putting its hundreds of billions of dollars to work on highways, water systems and other types of projects.

In his March 1 speech, Biden declared, “We’re done talking about infrastructure weeks. We’re now talking about an infrastructure decade.”

[View prepared text of Biden's addresshere.]

Biden said that 4,000 IIJA-funded projects “have already been announced.” The White House said that those projects includeairport and maritime port improvementsand Superfund cleanups.

A白宫事实说明书说,IIJA on the books last Nov. 15, almost $100 billion of its funds has been "announced" and is moving to states, localities and other recipients. The White House outline also said federal agencies have issued notices of funding availability for an additional $50 billion in projects, which will be awarded through competitions.



In addition, Biden recapped other familiar highlights of the IIJA programs, including plans to build a network of 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations and starting replacement of drinking-water pipes that contain lead.

Biden said the infrastructure program “is going to transform America, to put us on a path to win the economic competition of the 21st我们与世界其他地区(尤其是中国)面对的世纪。”



Linda Bauer Darr, American Council of Engineering Cos. president and chief executive officer, in a post-speech陈述praised Biden and Congress for passing and signing the IIJA.

But Darr added that “we also recognize that much still needs to be done for the bill to truly live up to its name.”

In particular, Darr pointed to the problem caused by the use of short appropriations extensions—instead of full-year spending bills—for the federal government, including infrastructure programs.


Congress has failed to approve appropriations for all agencies for the full 2022 fiscal year and instead has fallen back on short extensions. The most recent stopgap is due to expire on March 11.

But Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.), the top GOP member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, said in a陈述那个拜登“今晚在他的大规模基础设施支出法律上取得了过早的胜利圈”。

格雷夫斯补充说,“而从价格gas and diesel, to food and clothing, to construction materials needed for roads and bridges—remains on the rise, Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine further underscores the need for the administration to tackle out-of-control spending and inflation, restore our energy independence and stop creating more red tape that increases infrastructure costs."


但是,关联的建筑商和承包商在一份声明中将Pro Act炸毁为“毁灭性的”。美国广播公司(ABC)表示,政府通过支持该法案和其他行动,“已经在办公室任职第一年,不懈地倡导将建筑签约与工会公司和工人签订合同的政策。”

但是电气工人的国际兄弟会总统朗尼·斯蒂芬森(Lonnie Stephenson)陈述after Biden's address, said the union and its members "applaud the Biden administration's pro-worker, pro-union approach to governing." Stephenson cited the administration's support of the PRO Act among several examples.