Buoyed by the IIJA and under pressure to get megaprojects done in time for the 2028 Olympics, the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) is pursuing progressive design-build (PDB) and construction manager-general contractor (CM/GC) methods for the first time.

计划管理的Metro执行官布拉德·欧文(Brad Owen)表示:“有一些合同正在向PDB枢纽。他补充说,该机构正在考虑如何实施培训计划以及“如何使行业理解[PDB]在这里。”

Metro副执行官Monica Born说,该估计的200亿美元项目将需要6.7英里,11个车站和太阳能电池板的公私合作伙伴关系。她说:“我们听了这个行业,我们正在尝试[PDB]。”

Owen and Born were two of many Metro panelists who spoke at the Western Winter Workshop March 3-6 in Indian Wells, Calif., supported by the Construction Management Association of America.

地铁委员会在2019年底批准了CM/GC的大约200亿美元链接工厂项目。“ CM/GC并不是什么新鲜事物,只是公共部门的新事物,”区域铁路计划管理的Metro执行官Jeanet Owens说。


Metro的Metro Execuceing官员说,Metro一直在诸如洛杉矶西区18luck官网(La West Side)的36亿美元紫色线路扩展名的项目上,并签订了4.1亿美元的隧道合同和13亿美元的车站合同。。

地铁的朝着PDB和CM / GC之际,California moves away from highway capacity-building projects, notes Jim Beil, executive director of capital programs for the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), which is currently widening 16 miles of Interstate 405 in a $1.2-billion design-build contract. Under the IIJA, any highway projects would have to mitigate vehicle miles traveled and costs to lower-income populations. Under state climate change goals, "we will see a big change on regional transportation plans," Beil said. "We may see more priced managed lanes. There will be new opportunities for efficiency projects such as connected roads and signal coordination.

"The policy constraints on new projects will required new cross-agency collaboration models," he added.


由于俄罗斯 - 乌克兰战争和库维德(Covid-19)等地缘政治不确定性以及华盛顿州的团队罢工等国内问题,劳动和材料成本是一个持续的问题。18luck.cub

Peter Tateishi, CEO of the California chapter of Associated General Contractors of America, noted that labor costs per hour are rising significantly in the state, posing significant risk for projects. Moreover, while the chapter is not opposed to vaccinate mandates for the crafts, it is difficult to offer proof of 100% guaranteed compliance.


AXA XL North America的建筑创新负责人Rose Hall说,一种方法是使建筑公司将自己确定为“技术公司建设事物”。她说,年轻一代“不想整天插电和rfis。”“如果鼓励他们在技术实验上失败,那将吸引[他们]。”

She notes that not so long ago, companies questioned why they needed a risk management officer. "What is the ROI on risk management?" she recalled them asking. "Now they ask, what is the ROI on an innovation officer? This is the next evolution of risk management...someday a company's technology maturity level will start to play into how we look at risk."

The conference included numerous project controls-focused sessions with construction professionals from education, healthcare, tech providers and aviation.


"We're still 20% down from pre-pandemic levels, but we feel there is promise ahead," said Cynthia Guidry, director of Long Beach Airport. The airport worked with its design-build contractor to re-sequence construction due to the drop in revenue, and had to defer payments from airport tenants.

奥克兰港的航空规划和开发经理琼·扎托普克(Joan Zatopek)指出,成为港口管理局的一部分为机场提供了帮助,因为大流行期间海洋交通并没有减少。她说:“我们有一个项目,这是一个危险的建筑管理 - 我们同意保证的最高价格,这是货架上的。”承包商团队现在必须再次出价。“我们需要更好的协作,并互相帮助。”

美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)的规划与发展总监卡维·达比兰(Kaveh Dabiran)表示,航空公司与机场之间的更好合作确实发生在大流行期间。“现在我们不在各自的角落里……我们在一起度过了一段充满挑战的时光。”

The challenging time, including a dearth of resources ranging from craftspeople to management, is driving prioritization of certain projects, Dabiran added. For example, "We'll go after the substation or trench project" rather than the concessions improvement. "We have to tackle the non-sexy items out there," he said.