AECOM will exit work in Russia “immediately” in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the company announced on March 7, an action it said would generate up to a $50-million one-time expense in its second quarter, based on impaired assets.


AECOM has offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

“We support the people of Ukraine who are facing tremendous suffering as a result of Russia’s unlawful invasion,” said AECOM's CEO Troy Rudd, adding that the country's actions “are inconsistent with [the firm's] values and have compromised” its business environment and clients.


艾奕康科技报道人员约400主要是当地employees in Russia. In a statement to Building, a U.K.-based construction publication, two days before the invasion, it said operations were “unaffected” by troop movements into eastern Ukraine.


俄罗斯天然气工店去年提出了一个2,306英尺高150层的相邻结构,称为Lakhta Center II II,总部位于苏格兰的建筑师Kettle Collective担任其设计师,但没有宣布项目成本。如果建造,那将是世界上第二高的塔楼。建筑师的创始人Tony Kettle还与一家俄罗斯公司一起设计了Lakhta Center I。

AECOM告诉英国建筑部门出版Building in 2018that it had about $50 million in annual revenue from work in Russia and had been working in the country since the late 1990s.


Finland-based contractor YIT, said to be the country's largest construction company, also said it has stopped investment in Russia over its actions in Ukraine. The firm, which builds mostly multi-unit housing structures, said March 3 that new project work would stop while it conducts an accelerated strategic review of its operations. YIT also halted purchases of construction materials, mostly lumber, from Russia.

“The Russian military attack has led to great human distress and suffering in Ukraine,” said Markku Moilanen, YIT president and CEO. “Due to the dramatic changes in geopolitical situation, our business is facing unprecedented challenges in Russia, and our highest priority now is to ensure the health and safety of our employees."


许多建筑师,包括总部位于英国的巨型福斯特和合作伙伴,也宣布了exits from自入侵以来的俄罗18luck官网斯项目Architectural Record,E新利lucknr的姐妹出版物。

Ties to Oligarch

同时,英国出版物Building reported与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)有联系的俄罗斯寡头Oleg deripaska拥有奥地利承包商Strabag的所有权,该公司是合资企业的一部分,该合资企业对英国HS2 HS2高速铁路Megaproject签订了主要的隧道合同。


Strabag排名第16新利luckEnr的前250名全球承包商list, with nearly $19 billion in 2020 revenue, of which $15.9 billion is international.

According to Building's March 3 report, Strabag is 28% owned by Rasperia Trading Ltd, a business that Deripaska owns.

A Strabag spokesperson told Building that "no sanctions" have been imposed on the firm "or on any of its direct/indirect shareholders by the E.U., U.S. or the U.K. in connection with the Ukraine war in 2022, and we are not expecting any impact on our U.K. operations.” The contractor remains on the HS2 project.

德里帕斯卡(Deripaska)的名字也在俄罗斯寡头,银行家和政府官员的名单上,加拿大于3月7日宣布制裁said Politico,他是2018年美国批准的寡头之一。

Strabag首席执行官托马斯·伯特尔(Thomas Birtel)在3月3日在欧洲商业主管聚会上说,该公司“没有在乌克兰采取企业行动,仅在俄罗斯限制了企业行动。”他说,对俄罗斯银行实施的制裁“对企业和货币场景没有影响”承包商。



