New proposed standards aimed at cutting emissions from heavy-duty vehicles as part of the Biden administration’s Clean Trucks Plan could also impact construction equipment.

Thestandards,released March 7由美国环境保护署(美国环境保护局)减少氧化氮(NOx)重型汽油和柴油发动机的排放,到2045年将NOX排放量最高60%。虽然主要关注卡车和公共汽车等高速公路车辆,但它还包括其他类别的计划,例如重型压缩引擎,用于非道路机器,包括建筑设备。EPA说,在低速或空转的车辆中,将看到一些最重要的NOX减少。


The stronger standards would take effect beginning with model year 2027 vehicles. The EPA has proposed either implementing the full set of new standards starting that year, or phasing in stronger standards for 2027 and then implementing the full standards in model year 2031.

EPAlast revised its on-highway heavy-duty trucks NOx standards in 2001. The newly proposed standards would lean onrecent technological advancements为了大幅度削减与健康问题相关的污染,并帮助将运输部门迈向零排放的未来。EPAAdministrator Michael Regan in a statement.


Truck and engine manufacturers’ groups said they would work with EPA on developing the new standards. In a statement, the Diesel Technology Forum said it would be important to ensure truckers are able to invest in the advanced products that emerge as a result of the standards, otherwise, there’s a risk that older vehicles with higher emissions and lacking particulate traps or selective catalytic reduction technology will remain in service longer.

The Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA) wrote in a statement that new rules would need to facilitate fleet turnover to replace vehicles manufactured before the current standard takes effect. It added that EPA should help lead a strategy to achieve zero-emission vehicles by investing in electric charging stations, hydrogen fuel development and purchase incentives.

“It is imperative the new rule facilitate the transition to newer, cleaner trucks so we can achieve lower NOx emissions as soon as possible,” EMA President Jed Mandel said.

Environmental advocates say the EPA’s proposal aren’t strong enough. Peter Zalzal, senior counsel and associate vice president for clean air strategies at Environmental Defense Fund, called the proposal an important start, but said in a statement that the plans would not ensure the needed levels of zero-emission vehicle deployment.


EPAintends to finalize its proposed standards by the end of the year. The agency says it will announce a date for a public hearing.