Power plants and other industrial sites in parts of the U.S., including construction material producers, may soon face more stringent nitrogen oxide emissions requirements as part of a “good neighbor” plan proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on March 11.

proposed rulewould use a variety of regulatory strategies to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx), a key component in the formation of ground-level ozone, which is known to have negative health and environmental impacts in areas downwind of the emission sources, often beyond state boundaries.

环保局表示,其规则将减少NOx emissi的提议ons from the power sector by 29% and from heavy industry by 15% across 26 states during the summer ozone season.

该提案呼吁修改和加强针对2023年25个州发电厂的国家环境空气质量标准的排放交易计划,并于2026年开始新的排放标准industrial sitesin 23 states that have a significant impact on downwind air quality. EPA says these steps will help states meet "good neighbor" requirements under the Clean Air Act (SEE MAP BELOW)

proposed emissions limits would apply to sites involved in the production of construction materials such as cement, concrete and steel, as well as other products such as glass and paper, plus natural gas pipelines.


EPA管理员迈克尔·里根(Michael Regan)在一份声明中说:“空气污染并没有停止在州线上。”“此步骤将帮助我们的州合作伙伴符合空气质量健康标准,挽救生命并改善美国各地受烟雾影响的社区的公共卫生。”

csapr2015.jpgMap: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Alex Bond, deputy general counsel for climate and clean energy at the Edison Electric Institute, which represents the investor-owned electric company sector, said in a statement that the group was reviewing EPA’s proposal and would work with the agency on policy-making efforts.


Environmental advocates praised EPA’s move. Matthew Davis, senior director of government affairs at the League of Conservation Voters, called the plan a “strong proposal to cut smog pollution.”


EPA also announced proposed standards to reduce emissions fromheavy-duty vehiclesthis month.