马里兰州的一名联邦法官将允许举报人投诉对AECOM和国防承包商Dyncorp International LLC的前政府服务部门(现在由承包商Amentum拥有),并指控该人贩运人口贩运并违反了《联邦虚假索赔法》。由公司合资企业持有的科威特的美国军事合同。

美国地方法院法官Paula Xinis在巴尔的摩裁定3月9日裁定,有足够的证据支持29家科威特翻译人员的指控,即AECOM NINTAL PROPORN PROPONCE INC.和DYNCORP的一家合资企业全球语言解决方案(GLS)的前母公司公司(GLS),知道并直接参与了合资企业雇用的语言学家的虐待,包括他们受到驱逐出境的威胁,并没收了护照。





问题在于是否GLS parent firms had enough control over its day-to-day operations at the time, or whether there was enough corporate separation to shield the parents from liability for the joint venture entity’s actions under the False Claims Act.

GLS was awarded two contracts in 2007 and 2011 by the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command to provide translation, interpretation and intelligence gathering during Operation Iraq Freedom. The contracts totaled about $14.3 billion, the ruling says.

The linguists claim they witnessed overbilling in the 2007 contract and false claims by GLS that it complied with Kuwaiti immigration and labor laws, which they say should have made the firm ineligible for the second contract. The plaintiffs also claim the company’s abuse of labor laws resulted in the arrest of some linguists who were forced to live in overcrowded and unsanitary housing, sign false confessions and were expelled from Kuwait.



The GLS parent firms also selected its management board, controlled the terms of its members’ employment, set rates and benefits paid to employees; maintained the exclusive right to appoint the joint venture’s executives and played an active role in its “crisis management,” the complaint contends.


The plaintiffs allege that the parent firms knew about the mistreatment of the linguists in Kuwait, submitting a March 2013 email from the GLS president to AECOM and DynCorp executives that he witnessed “suffering among the linguists,” and reported that the translators' passports had been confiscated, subjecting them to potential arrest if they attempted to leave Kuwait. He added that should GLS be unable to fulfill its contract, there would be financial loss to the joint venture, and to the parent firms.




她补充说:“考虑到[原告]声称AECOM对GLS的控制程度,以及AECOM,Dyncorp,GLS和其他人之间的持续沟通水平,在此阶段,指控足以支持Aecom知道AECOM知道AECOM知道的推论。linguists’ passports had been confiscated, and [that they] were being threatened with deportation.” Xinis also said AECOM knew they were working in violation of Kuwaiti law and was aware of their living conditions.
