City Grill


Vice President
PC Construction

Mixed-use, educational and institutional and manufacturing markets in the Portland, Maine, area are all performing well, Leonard says. “Projects that were delayed due to COVID-19, as well as long-planned developments, are showing great promise,” he says.

But the pandemic still has “a dramatic impact on the hospitality sector, pausing and even canceling many planned opportunities,” Leonard says. “With travel picking back up and people eager to visit, we expect the market to bounce back, but it may look a little different and require some redesign to meet desires of guests in the post-pandemic world.”

Leonard says that the greater Portland area “continues to be a draw for people wanting to relocate outside of larger cities.” Meanwhile, he notes that market observers also are watching to see how Build Back Better “will affect water and wastewater treatment improvements in this area. These types of projects will allow us to put our highly experienced water/wastewater construction teams to work locally and provide opportunities for the overall growth of Portland.”