Kelly Dougherty

FirstService Residential, a New York City-based manager of residential communities in North America, has promotedKelly Doughertyto president of its energy management and sustainability advisory subsidiary, FirstService Energy. She had been a vice president at the firm.

乔·艾洛(Joe Aiello)

乔·艾洛(Joe Aiello)has joined STV as a senior advisor for its advisory and climate adaptation, sustainability and resilience practices. He is a former chairman of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and a retired partner, board member and senior fellow at Meridiam Infrastructure, a P3 fund manager and developer.

Maike Rodriguezwas elevated to vice president of operations in New York and New Jersey for Infrastructure Engineering Inc., a multidisciplinary consultant in design engineering, program management and construction engineering and inspection services and a DBE-MBE certified firm. He has led the firm’s New York City-based region since 2017.

Julio Braga

Ware Malcomb has made two appointments. The firm promoted埃德·威尔克斯(Ed Wilkes)to director of civil engineering in Newark, N.J. He joined the company in 2019 to launch its civil engineering practice in the Northeast.Julio Braga加入该公司,担任纽约市的区域设计总监。他以前曾担任IA Interior Architects的董事总经理。

AECOM has hired瓦希德·阿尔伯特作为纽约市区的铅表面transportation group. He had been chief engineer at the New York State Dept. of Transportation.

扎克·索耶(Zach Sawyer)

扎克·索耶(Zach Sawyer)已经是en named vice president of construction operations at PTS Contracting, based in Armonk, N.Y. Previously, he was a regional director at LeChase Construction.

Providence, R.I.-based Gilbane Building Co. made several appointments at its New York City locations.John LaRow被任命为新职务,担任高级副总裁,以提高该州的公司增长,并监督其全州440多名员工。He also is a member of Gilbane’s corporate task force for its new environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiative, which includes the firm’s commitment announced March 9 to generate $4 billion in awards over five years to certified minority and women-owned businesses and to disadvantaged and veteran-owned business enterprises. The firm also elevatedEd Bigleyto construction executive director for field operations and safety;Brennan Gilbane Kochto director of business development;Ryan Molitorto health care sector area manager; andJohn Rooneyto area director for economic inclusion.Alaina Gilligojoined the firm as senior project executive. She was first deputy comptroller at the New York City Office of the Comptroller.

Aaron Gallagher

总部位于波士顿的Nitsch Engineering任命了副总裁Aaron Gallagher首席运营官的另外角色。最近,他是土木工程主任,自2014年以来一直是公司股东,自2018年以来一直是董事会主任。Nitsch专门从事民用,运输和结构工程;土地测量;绿色基础设施;规划;和GIS服务。

比尔·西里(Bill Seery)

比尔·西里(Bill Seery)已经加入了马萨诸塞州米尔福德市的Consigli Construction Co.,担任预制主任,以扩大其在东北和中大西洋地区模块化建筑和预制方面的能力。他帮助建立了SurePods/Eggrock,Consigli说,这是第一家集成建筑和制造工艺的美国公司,以生产定制的预制浴室单元用于商业项目。18luck官网

Scott Darling

TranSystems已经升高Scott Darling向波士顿校长兼高级副总裁。Office director since October 2020, he also is a leader in the company’s national bridge and tunnel inspection and evaluation practice and has been a project manager for key bridge and tunnel contracts with the Massachusetts DOT, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Massport and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Darling also has been active in many firm emergency and disaster responses.

Jeffrey Brenner

尼克松皮博迪有限责任公司合作伙伴Jeffrey Brenner现在领导总部位于波士顿的全球律师事务所的全国性建筑和房地产诉讼实践。该地区的诉讼以前是尼克松·皮博迪(Nixon Peabody)复杂纠纷实践的一部分。该公司说,新的实践小组“反映了客户的需求增加和明显的需求,尤其是在大流行中的建筑和房地产开发行业面临的挑战方面。”

Hassan Hamdan

Hassan Hamdanhas joined Arup’s Boston office as its Americas power consulting unit leader. His experience involves providing technical and financial advisory services for global power projects, including offshore wind development and transmission and generation planning. Prior to joining Arup, Hassan was a principal in power consulting at Mott MacDonald.

Chelsea, Mass.-based The Architectural Team Inc. (TAT) has promoted three senior employees,Philip Renzi,Andrew StebbinsandAnthony Vivirito, to associate. Renzi’s experience includes construction, adaptive reuse and moderate rehabilitation in sectors including multifamily, commercial, mixed-use and senior and assisted living facilities. Stebbins has worked on building projects that include mixed-use, market-rate and affordable housing, senior living communities, adaptive reuse and waterfront development. Vivirito’s expertise is in design and project management of multifamily housing, senior living communities and comprehensive care facilities for independent, assisted and memory care residents.

Laura Kennedy

Laura Kennedyis business development leader for the private sector at Portland, Maine-based environmental engineering firm Woodard & Curran. She most recently worked as a senior client service manager at Kennedy/Jenks Consulting.

Bratt, Nelson, Dechen

Civil and environmental engineering firm Fuss & O’Neill hiredJamie Brätt作为位于康涅狄格州哈特福德地区的社区发展的助理业务线经理。她的经验包括与分区法规,城市规划以及社区和经济发展合作。Brätt曾是信息和技术公司Infosys的参与经理。公司也雇用了Mike Nelsonas an associate and as water and natural resources business line manager in Boston. He was a client relations manager for municipal clients at CDMSmith. In addition,Justin Dechen已经是en named as a project manager in its water and natural resources business line based in Manchester, Conn.

安德鲁·鲍姆(Andrew Baum)

位于马萨诸塞州丹佛市的汉考克同事雇用了安德鲁·鲍姆(Andrew Baum)作为马萨诸塞州帕尔默市的工程和高级项目经理。在加入土地测量,土木工程和湿地科学服务公司之前,他曾是Summit Engineering&Survey Inc.的项目经理。


Edward J.“ Ed” Schmeltz,a 45-year coastal and marine engineer and a former senior vice president and director of maritime and special projects at AECOM, died March 9 in Greenwich, Conn., at age 72, according to anonline obituary.死亡原因没有披露。最近,他是EJS Consulting LLC的总裁。美国土木工程师学会说:“他曾在世界上一些最大的海洋项目工作,并撰写了与海上项目和问题有关的25种技术出版物18luck官网。”施梅尔茨还是美国军事工程师协会和纽约市邮报的前任主席的会员。他还是沿海,海洋,港口和河流学院的创始成员,痣的成员,也是其母校的前董事会主任,新泽西技术学院,施密茨获得了一生的毕生校友和年度校友奖项。他的家人鼓励捐款以他的名字授予奖学金,以支持工程教育。捐款可以捐赠给:相同的纽约市邮政奖学金基金,并邮寄至:相同,纽约市邮政奖学金基金,C/O Judy Cooper,总裁,999 Grant Avenue,Pelham Manor,NY 10803。

罗伯特·米切尔(Robert D. Mitchell)

今年春天将为建筑师举行庆祝活动罗伯特·米切尔(Robert D. Mitchell), who led Newtown, Conn., through the emotional process of rebuilding Sandy Hook Elementary School following the murder of 20 children and six adults there in 2012. He died in October at age 74 ater a "short but complicated illness," says an online obituary The town’s volunteer public building and site commission chairman, he also owned Mitchell Architectural Group and helped deliver the $50-million state-funded project that was fast-tracked in time for the 2016 school year (see related story on page NY/NE 23). Mitchell pushed for a qualification-based bidding process that bucked the state’s typical process, which preferred the low bidder, and helped state and federal officials write new guidelines for school security. His firm also specialized in high-tech research and hospital facility design.