
奥马哈弗吉尼亚州门诊护理中心|由McCarthy Building Cos提交。




所有者:VACDC / Heritage Services / Tetrad

领先设计公司和结构/民用/MEP工程师:Leo A Daly

建筑经理:McCarthy Building Cos.



Completed on budget and more than four months ahead of schedule, the resulting facility now provides critical health care services for Omaha’s 40,000 previously underserved veterans.

In 2016, Congress appropriated $56 million for a new hospital in Omaha. But, due to cost overruns at other VA projects, that sum wasn’t nearly enough to deliver the hospital that had been designed to replace Omaha’s 1940s-era VA Medical Center.

内布拉斯加州的两党政客,包括当时的美国政客,而不是搁置该项目。代表布拉德·阿什福德(Brad Ashford)(D),美国代表唐·培根(R)和参议员黛布·菲舍尔(R)提出了一项新法律 - 社区帮助通过所需的财产和改进(CHIP IN)2016年的《退伍军人法》(CHIP IN),这允许当时的VA秘书戴维·舒尔金(David Shulkin)授权社区团体为VA设施的成本做出贡献。以前,与军事相关的机构只能接受以私人团体支付和建造的项目形式的捐款,例如布鲁克陆军医疗中心的无畏中心,然后赠予联邦政府。18luck官网

VA Hospital
VA Hospital

VA Hospital

照片由Leo A. Daly Inc.和McCarthy Building Cos Inc.提供。
*Click on the images for greater detail

The late Walter Scott Jr., former CEO of Kiewit, and the philanthropic group he co-founded, Heritage Services, quickly joined forces with Tetrad Property Group and created the Veterans Ambulatory Center Development Corp., which raised $30 million for the project. Designer Leo A Daly and construction manager McCarthy Building Cos. came on board the P3 soon after. The now $86-million budget made viable an alternative option: an Ambulatory Care Center, which would also free up space in an existing hospital next door. P3 delivery also fit into Shulkin’s mission to modernize the VA.

Two McCarthy team members— senior VP and Omaha business leader Ryan Sawall and project manager Kris Montgomery—had worked on a previous VA project in New Orleans using traditional delivery methods, Sawall says. “So, when we started this, we said, ‘We can do this better. We can do this more efficiently.’ We started with that mantra.”

Leo A Daly的设计要求在前两层设有157,000平方英尺的三层楼,设有七个初级保健诊所。一楼设有VA的第一家女诊所,以及由骨科,心脏病学和其他专业共享的专业护理诊所。放射学和新的门诊手术中心占据了二楼。一楼的连接器可直接进入现有医院,该医院仍然为奥马哈兽医的住院和医疗服务提供服务。

“What we were able to do is infuse the private sector’s ability—the speed-to-market of private construction—that allows you to get through the questioning and the back-and-forth and getting the blessing from the VA, at every phase throughout the design,” says Jonathan Fliege, director of design in Leo A Daly’s Omaha office. “That was all streamlined and honestly, that’s been the beauty of the P3 helping get this project done in a timely manner and at a budget that’s in line with a private-sector one.”

According to Montgomery and Sawall, McCarthy used subsurface utility mapping, employed the project’s building information model to inform construction and used a design-assist subcontracting method instead of hard bids as several strategies that helped the team accelerate the schedule.


VA Project

照片由Leo A. Daly Inc.和McCarthy Building Cos Inc.提供。

A Dignified Design

The project’s design objectives were ambitious. Two large curtainwall features enable a whole-building natural lighting strategy that provides a healthy space for both veterans and the workers that serve their needs. The “flag wall,” a glass curtainwall on the outpatient center’s northern facade, rises 50 ft and spans 235 ft across and resembles an American flag rippling in the wind. The curtainwall system features 12-in.-deep mullions with 1/8-in.-thick extrusions to meet federal blast load requirements and match with the underlying steel superstructure.

The second daylighting element features a colored “ribbon wall” along the western facade that resembles the ribbons soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines receive for valor in combat.

VA Project
VA Project

VA Project

照片由McCarthy Building cos。和Leo A Daly Inc.提供。
*Click on the images for greater detail



Since all of the glass would need to be a sandwich of two panes of glass and a laminate layer between, Fliege thought, “these laminates, this inner layer—they also make those in colors. Instead of having colored glass with a clear laminate, what if we just actually used clear glass but we had a colored laminate?”

VA Project

Leo A Daly’s design of the Omaha VA Ambulatory Care Center allows natural light to filter into all outpatient treatment and counseling/meeting spaces through the project’s flag wall and ribbon wall. The landscaping doubles as counseling and exercise space.
照片由McCarthy Building cos。和Leo A Daly Inc.提供。
*Click on the images for greater detail




Even with the planning and P3 execution, some factors were outside of the team’s control. The project endured materials shortages during 2020. Even though construction continued throughout the pandemic in Nebraska, a cold winter and wet spring caused schedule havoc.


VA Project

Designers added a cost-effective element by changing the color of the laminated film between two layers of glazing.
照片由McCarthy Building cos。和Leo A Daly Inc.提供。
*Click on the images for greater detail


9月30日,拜登总统签署了五年的《 VETS法案》中的五年法律法案。复制奥马哈弗吉尼亚州门诊中心成功的计划已经在进行中。

“There is one plan in Oklahoma,” Sawall says. “Our design partner was hired for that. They’re excited to be participating and we’ve been asked to provide some feedback and so has our client, Heritage.”

2021年8月,沃尔特·斯科特(Walter Scott Jr.他的职业生涯。