加州的大部分电网的运营商nounced March 17 a 10-year transmission upgrade plan, specifying 23 projects costing an estimated $2.9 billion to accommodate a big boost in planned carbon-free power.


“In 2021 alone, we added 85 new clean energy projects to the grid, the most ever in a single year,” said Neil Millar, CAISO vice president, infrastructure and operations planning. The operator noted that this year’s plan projects 2,700 MW of new power added per year, but the 2022-23 plan is set to forecast more than 4,000 MW of new resources per year.

CAISO的计划与加利福尼亚公共事业委员会和加利福尼亚能源委员会协调,指定16个传输项目总计14亿美元,以解决可靠性问题。18luck官网其中包括两个在圣何塞 - 塞利康山谷地区的高压直播项目。18luck官网另一组总计15亿美元的项目旨在满足18luck官网到2045年的100%可再生能源生成的国家要求。2021年,Caiso的一半电力来自天然气。

Planned projects include a major reinforcement in the GridLiance/Valley Electric System near the California-Nevada border.

Caiso说,其计划中的23个项目中有18个位于18luck官网太平洋天然气和电力服务领域。PG&E高管告诉UTILITY DIVE,它将需要进一步研究四个高压项目以进行竞争性招标,因为它们可能涉及对网格的重大变化,例如新利luck人口稠密的地区的新变电站,并早在2028年就有在服务18luck官网中的目标日期。


Fitch noted that 5,000 MW of battery storage would be added to the grid between 2021 and 2022 “to expand CAISO’s ability to serve peak demand.”