
作为一个物ult, construction equipment is still seeing strong pricing in the resale and auction markets, according to first-quarter data from industry analyst firm EquipmentWatch. Prices for equipment at resale were up 4.7% year-over-year in January and up 6% from December. Equipment age is also creeping up: 15.1% year-over-year and up 12.9% from December.

EquipmentWatch数据分析高级分析师Garrick Brim说,“建筑设备”“不像过去通常不像过去那样折旧。”“如果该设备位于更新的一面,我们甚至看到(用于二手设备的]的价值甚至高于MSRP(制造商建议的零售价)。”

Related link:ENR 2022 1Q Cost Report PDF

All this points to continued issues with the supply chains for new equipment. But the real constraint may be coming from a tight equipment pipeline in the midst of an otherwise robust construction market.




但是,仅仅因为一些机器去辅助渠道的骑行比过去更艰难,并不意味着卖家不会获得他们的钱。布里姆说:“人们现在确实在使用设备要多得多 - 在某些情况下,与我们之前所看到的相比,这将持续两小时,这将影响价值。”“但是,由于需求量如此强烈,我也不会很快贬值。”

拜因EquipmentWatch还跟踪类型的设备g sold, and the prevalence of smaller machines such as skid-steer loaders and compact excavators getting picked up at auction lately is worth noting. Brim says contractors are sourcing the smaller equipment they need for projects right now, rather than just buying larger machines for future work. “That activity [in compact equipment] is a reliable good sign of health of the market,” he says.