Massachusetts' officials are bracing for a lengthy recovery process following the March 26 fatal collapse during demolition of a section of a hulking Brutalist-era parking garage in Boston. JDC Demolition was razing the Government Center structure to make way for a 410,000-sq-ft life-sciences complex, when a multistory portion near the top failed, killing 51-year-old operating engineer Peter Monsini.

In the wake of the incident, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority shut down key portions of the Green and Orange subway lines that run below the garage. MBTA says it could take days to assess possible subway tunnel damage and fully restore "T" service, currently replaced by shuttle buses.

Meanwhile, officials at Boston’s Inspectional Services Dept. are reviewing plans put forward by the developer and its contractors to stabilize the garage. Once the structure is stable, MBTA safety and engineering experts can descend into the subway to inspect the tunnels for any movement or damage.

MBTA总经理史蒂夫·波夫塔克(Steve Poftak)告诉WBZ-TV:“显然,我们发生了一场可怕的悲剧。”“发生的事情是大量碎片落在隧道的顶部。因此,首先,我们需要确保该站点安全地让员工进入并实际检查这些隧道。”


The phased demolition, which has been underway for more than five years as part of the $1.5-billion mixed-use Bullfinch Crossing, was “engineered by leading industry experts and executed by some of the premier contractors in the region,” said a spokesperson for the project’s developer, HYM Investment Group and National Real Estate Advisors.

波士顿先驱报道说,事故发生在下午5:30,当时车库的九楼在蒙西尼(Monsini)的统治下,援引波士顿消防专员杰克·登普西(Jack Dempsey)为由。蒙西尼(Monsini)是马萨诸塞州梅德韦(Medway)的国际运营工程师联盟20年的资深人士,正在经营挖掘机。

The collapse sent Monsini and tons of concrete tumbling roughly 100 ft to the ground. The Boston Police Dept. is handling the death investigation, with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigating the incident as well, according to a BPD spokesperson.



JDC Demolition and the project’s general contractor, John Moriarty & Associates, did not return calls for comment.


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Local 4的一份声明说,孟西尼是“对我们许多人的好朋友,……将被遗憾地错过。”

The union is offering grief counseling to its members and their families.