科罗拉多州立大学在其新的丹佛校园CSU Spur中建立了与健康,食物和水有关的研究,教育和外展枢纽的大胆步骤。该大学花了2亿美元的国家资金来建造三座新建筑,每座建筑物都支持这些领域的研究和工作,同时也以免费的公共学习环境开放了整个校园。

When complete, the effort will provide CSU with nearly 300,000 sq ft of space along the South Platte River at the western edge of the 250-acre National Western Center (NWC) campus. CSU is one of the three NWC founding partners, along with the city and county of Denver and the National Western Stock Show.

“It’s about creating community,” says Jocelyn Hittle, assistant vice chancellor of CSU Spur, adding that the project’s success comes from building relationships with the other partners on campus. “It’s something special that comes from the integration of what we all do.”

Building a campus within a campus presented several coordination challenges as multiple other separately contracted projects are ongoing, including an innovative sewer-heat recovery district energy system (see sidebar, p. MS24) that will provide heating and cooling to CSU’s new buildings and, once up and running, will be the largest of its kind in North America.


Like an eddy in a stream, the circular atrium at Hydro, with its spiral stair, was designed as a space for people to slow down and think about the importance of water in their lives.


当该市宣布EAS​​ Energy Partners为校园的地区能源系统合作伙伴时,CSU已经与其所有者代表CAA Icon合作,为新的Spur校园选择了三个由建筑师领导的团队中的每个团队。Hord Coplan Macht和Smithgroup被聘请设计供水大楼,最终被任命为Hydro(希腊水),Clark&Enersen不久之后就被选为Vida(西班牙语)。在CSU宣布JE Dunn为2019年春季,Andersonmasondale赢得了Terra的设计(拉丁语)设计。

With so much concurrent activity and multiple contracts, “it’s critical to have a lot of trust and understanding so we can help each other,” says Dan Loosbrock, project executive for CAA ICON, adding that teams have “weekly, daily conversations to ensure we don’t get in each other’s way.”



At that point, CSU had yet to agree to use the EAS energy system, which wasn’t formalized until November 2020, although campus leaders agreed to it in principle in late 2019. Meanwhile, initial designs for all three buildings faced budget overruns and challenges to meet energy goals.


不同设计团队之间的协作和相互尊重有助于将项目推向预算,例如,通过在所有三个建筑物中使用相同的家具供应商。“这有助于所有三个设计团队真正互相尊重,” Hord Coplan Macht的负责人Jennifer Cordes说。“我们都对大学感到非常忠诚,我们想做适合该机构的事情。”

JE Dunn的高级项目经理Matt Aschermann说,在所有建筑物中雇用几个共同的贸易伙伴提供了优势,但“尤其是对于Terra和Hydro,它们与桥梁在道路上物理连接在一起。”在机械和电气工程和MTECH机械的团队中,将Cator Ruma&Associates成为这两座建筑物的共同机械贸易合作伙伴18luck.cub建筑物。



Cator Ruma的主要和机械工程师Sean Convery说:“在两座建筑物中,热泵,冷水机和所有泵和配件都有很多钱。”“在水力中变大并删除Terra的植物是增量成本的增长,然后我们只是在桥上运行管道。”


This “was a big, big deal,” says Cordes, noting the two different architects, schedules and budgets for each building and the negotiation required to take money from one project to spend on the other.




In January, just days before the stock show welcomed nearly 600,000 visitors, CSU celebrated the grand opening of Vida, its 114,000-sq-ft home for animal and human health. Vida serves three primary animal health needs: the new Denver Dumb Friends League (DFL) Veterinary Hospital, the CSU Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center and the Temple Grandin Equine Center.

“维达(Vida)有很多第一,”克拉克(Clark&Enersen)项目经理兼首席设计建筑师哈德利·斯托尔特(Hadley Stolte)说。“很少有建筑物的例子将这些类型的空间放在一个屋顶之下,并且在一个地铁地区可以使用。”


—Hadley Stolte, Project Manager & Lead Design Architect, Clark & Enersen


新的空间增加了DFL提供低成本动物护理的能力,比现有医院帮助“另外6,000只动物(几乎增加了75%”的动物 - DFL开发总监劳里·彼得森(Laurie Peterson)。

The Temple Grandin Equine Center aims to advance research and education in equine-assisted services, aiding people with conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy or post-traumatic stress disorder. At the CSU Equine Medicine and Rehabilitation Center, visitors can watch horses undergoing a variety of therapies or walking on underwater treadmills.

“All exhibit spaces were designed to be flexible learning environments,” says Brian Rock, interior designer and associate principal at Clark & Enersen, adding that they lend “an open museum feel” to the building.


屋顶温室at Terra will provide ample space to grow food.

Terra, Hydro Up Next

Crews are getting close to completion at Terra, the 60,000-sq-ft Denver home for the staff and faculty of CSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences, with finishing touches underway and a grand opening scheduled for June 8. Like its companions, Terra includes publicly accessible spaces where the visitors can watch the urban agriculture research happening within. It includes at-grade outdoor, terrace and vertical gardens and rooftop greenhouses along with a green roof. Learning opportunities are designed to broaden the understanding of issues faced in food and agriculture and include labs and a public teaching kitchen where community members can learn how to grow and prepare their own food.

CSU’s Equine Medicine and Rehab Center



“我们想确保自己是实用的第一天,”丹佛水的水质实验室经理阿方索·冈萨雷斯(Alfonso Gonzales)说,同时“确保我们将来可以成长”。

这包括与设计团队一起参加丹佛水称之为“ 2P流程”,以进行精益或连续改进。首席运营和维护官汤姆·鲁德(Tom Roode)说:“这使正在进行工作以提供意见并真正测试的人们。”在Full Build Out中,Spur的实验室将使丹佛水每年能够测试近70,000个样品的能力三倍。

水力also supports “pretty much everything else that CSU needed,” says Cordes, including flexible meeting and event spaces, for-rent labs and a café that will sell the food grown in Terra.


著名的CSU教授Temple Grandin在马中心的维达(Vida)为她的名字命名。该中心主持编程,以改善马匹和人类。

The Hydro design team also accommodated CSU’s mid-project acquisition of the adjacent historic McConnell Welders building, incorporating it as an annex to serve onsite artists, part of a larger art program on campus that will include eight large-scale permanent installations along with temporary exhibitions.

“We thought about all the different stakeholders that were going to use this building—the K-12 students, the private corporate partners, the CSU researchers, the stock show visitors—[how] all these different people might move around the site … and we noticed that they were all converging in this main lobby space,” says Cordes.





Loosbrock says of the progress on the campus, “We’re taking what used to be 100 years of stockyards and building something completely new.”