Anne Brummett

Howell Construction project managerAnne Brummett已选择参加仅邀请2022年邀请函高级队列,这是一个特别的国家工作组,旨在促进AEC行业的多样性和面对招募和保留挑战。

Morgan Lysohir

MILENDER WHITE已晋升Morgan Lysohir副总裁兼地区经理洛基山。她将监督该地区的建筑部门。自2010年加入公司以来,莱索希尔(Lysohir)担任地区负责人,估算员,项目经理和工作采购主管。

Pete Rodriguez

Pete Rodriguezhas been elected as the new executive secretary-treasurer and the first Latino leader of the Southwest Regional Council of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, which represents 58,000 members across Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Southern California. Rodriguez first joined the union as a laborer in 1996 doing highway and bridge work. He says that being a Spanish speaker gives him extra credibility on the jobsite.

Dewberry在科罗拉多州丹佛和格林伍德村的办公室中宣传了五人。卡尔·邦奇(Carl Bundschuh)andJoshua Novac已晋升为副总统。Danny Elsnerhas been promoted to senior associate.梅琳达·布朗andDavid Sutleyhave been promoted to associates in the firm’s Denver office.


Jacobsen Construction Co. has promoted seven executives.乔恩·怀特他于2005年加入雅各布森(Jacobsen),被任命为该公司新职位的现场运营副总裁。怀特一直在监督雅各布森的宗教项目市场,并将继续监督该地区的关键项目。18luck官网

Jon Moody

Jon Moody已经成为副总裁和项目执行。He has expertise in preconstruction and project development gained over the course of 21-plus years at Jacobsen.

Josh Fenn

Josh Fenn是一名16年的行业资深人士,也是副总裁兼项目主管,同时继续担任盐湖神庙主要翻新工程助理项目主任。


罗布·米尔斯now serves as vice president of project development. He has handled project development duties for Jacobsen projects nationwide since 1999, most recently as a preconstruction manager.

Scott Samowitz

Scott Samowitz自1999年加入该公司以来,他一直保持雅各布森的信息系统的安全和技术功能,现在担任信息技术和安全副总裁。他以前曾担任信息技术总监。

Julie Mulcock

Julie Mulcockhas been named executive vice president of human resources. Mulcock has worked for Jacobsen since 2002, most recently as a vice president and the director of human resources for the past 17 months.

Scott Degraff新利luckenried

Scott Degraff新利luckenried,总法律顾问现在担任该公司执行副总裁的角色。自2018年以来,他一直在雅各布森(Jacobsen)工作。

马丁/马丁公司晋升了几名员工。新校长包括Tonya Major,,,,大卫·勒(David Le)and杰夫·怀特。营销总监琳达·凯利(Linda Kelly)has been involved in Martin/Martin’s marketing department for more than 30 years. The engineers and one architect promoted to associate areDan Bearse,,,,Adam Boswell,,,,Colin Dinsmore,,,,罗利·费舍尔,,,,Michael Schulz,,,,Mason TalkingtonandBrian Techau

Sarah Marvez

Gensler’s Denver office has promoted several employees. ArchitectSarah Marvez被晋升为高级合伙人。室内设计师劳伦·休斯(Lauren Hucek)andLindsey Salazarand妮可·卡塞迪(Nicole Cassedy)were promoted to associate. Architect兰德尔·哈特利(Randall Hatley)和高级安全工程师瑞安·科里尔(Ryan Coryell)also were promoted to associate.

Erik Hagevik

Trammell Crow Co. has promotedErik Hagevik,,,,senior vice president in the Denver business unit, to principal. Hagevik joined TCC in 2019 with 26 years of real estate experience in Denver.

Howell Construction has added five key members to its team.亚历克斯·克拉姆特(Alex Klamut)加入该公司作为项目工程师,克莱顿·盖特(Clayton Gaunt)作为新的安全总监和凯勒·德鲁卡(Kyler DeLuca)作为项目工程师。Ryan Eddingtonis a project engineer andMaxwell Furstrejoins the Howell team as a field engineer.

Katharine (Katie) A. Courtright J.R. Spung

JVA Inc. structural engineerKatharine (Katie) A. Courtright最近,被授予全国结构工程师协会委员会的苏西·乔根森(Susie Jorgensen)总统领导奖,该奖项颁发给了一个通过与组织的工作表现出领导潜力的个人。JVA Inc.还将几名员工晋升为其公司团队。J.R. Spunghas been promoted to associate. Spung is the regional civil project manager for the firm’s Glenwood Springs office and manages all civil projects on Colorado’s Western Slope.


Kathryn Martinezhas been promoted to associate. Martinez has been with JVA since 2017 and is the human resource specialist working in the Boulder office.Cristy HelmickandPaul Stoffelhave been promoted to co-regional structural engineering managers for JVA’s Fort Collins office. Helmick joined the JVA Structural team in 2020 and has more than 15 years of structural engineering experience. Stoffel has been with JVA since 2015 and has more than 16 years of structural engineering experience.

Matthew Krall

Matthew Krallhas been promoted to Denver regional office manager. He will manage operations for JVA’s Denver office and also is the marketing director and an associate with the firm.

Burns & McDonnell has hiredRussell Ditsworth作为领导传输和分销项目的项目经理。18luck官网他是一名民用和结构工程师,拥有将近二十年的经验,包括与公用事业公司合作提供电力基础设施的12年。

詹妮弗·宋·科佩(Jennifer Song Koeppe)

比率设计已任命詹妮弗·宋·科佩(Jennifer Song Koeppe)领导该公司当地的K-12和高等教育市场领域。她以前曾在丹佛公立学校担任规划,设计和建设总监。


McKinstry has promoted two of its leaders in the Mountain Region to vice president. The firm has elevated布莱恩·汉森山区能源副总裁。他于2007年加入McKinstry。

菲尔·赛格(Phil Saieg)

菲尔·赛格(Phil Saieg),技术服务副总裁 - 国家,十年前加入McKinstry,担任技术服务客户经理。

基南·德里斯科尔(Keenan Driscoll)

基南·德里斯科尔(Keenan Driscoll)is the next chief financial officer for Sundt Construction. Driscoll will work closely with the company’s longtime chief financial officer,凯文·伯内特(Kevin Burnett),,,,who will remain with the company through April before retiring.

迈克尔·拉吉(Michael Rudge)

迈克尔·拉吉(Michael Rudge)has been promoted to chief financial officer at Steel Encounters Inc. He has 22-plus years of experience in the industry, 12 of them with the company.