
Mirroring national trends, regional contractors are continuing to find ways to work around ongoing labor shortages and supply chain issues.

德克萨州总裁兼首席执行官梅洛尼·兰尼(Meloni Raney)说:“感觉我们已经很好地导航了其他所有问题,但是这两个问题不断出现。”“您不能仅仅创建更多的人或更多的供应,我们依赖许多其他因素。”

材料和供应遍布整个董事会,但在每种情况下,这些费用都在增加 - 如果您甚至可以买到这些材料,密西西比州相关总承包商(AGC)执行董事鲍勃·威尔18luck.cub逊(Bob Wilson)补充说。“我们的[承包商]不知道这些天如何竞标工作,因为他们不知道这会花费多少。如果承包商与私人开发商有关系,则他们将允许承包商包括一项条款,即一旦到达,价格将取决于材料成本,但在公共项目中并非如此。18luck官网我们正在与之抗争,其他所有人也是如此。”

瑞尼说:“达拉斯是该国第二大建筑市场,也是德克萨斯州第二大市场的第二大市场,仅次于沃思堡 - 因此我们绝对处于繁荣状态。”“我们必须找到与业主合作并将其弄清楚的方法,而不是互相固定。”


To address the labor shortage issue—not a new challenge for this industry—construction associations and their contractor members are getting creative, looking for ways to make the industry more attractive to people who have never considered a career in construction.


Photo courtesy of Flatiron

Full Steam Ahead

Raney says industrial warehouse development is growing at a rapid pace in the Dallas-Fort Worth area along with multifamily construction. The office market is also strong, rife with renovations, expansions and firms looking to move their headquarters or open new offices in the area.

“增长是一种多米诺骨牌效应;随着我们有更多的住房,他们会希望周围零售和杂货店。这是让多米诺骨牌倒下的问题。支持增长的基础设施使每个人都忙碌。” Raney补充说。

达拉斯市中心以北30英里,这项耗资5.2亿美元的Omni PGA Frisco Resort项目正在进行中。该地点计划于2023年春季开放。

重大项目也主要发生在T18luck官网exas airports, including a $2-billion project at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport that will reconstruct its busiest concourse over the next several years. At George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, a $970-million international terminal project includes construction of the new Mickey Leland International Terminal that will replace the existing Terminal D and the federal inspection services building renovation and expansion.

—Meloni Raney, President and CEO, TEXO

联合建筑商和承包商(ABC)阿肯色州分会的总裁比尔·罗切尔(Bill Roachell)说,阿肯色州的建设通过大流行非常好。“承包商拥有良好的工作管道,并保持忙碌。自去年这段时间以来,建设增长了24%。”他指出,由于供应链问题,交货时间更长。

Large projects include an Amazon distribution facility in Little Rock and Walmart’s new global headquarters in Bentonville, where a 350-acre site will comprise more than 30 buildings for the new Walmart Home Office Campus. Demolition, infrastructure and utility construction began in 2019 and the project will be completed in phases through 2025.

Meanwhile, Louisiana is experiencing rebuilding efforts stemming from its multiple hurricanes, spurring a significant amount of commercial and residential work over the next year, says David Helveston, president of ABC’s Pelican Chapter.

该州在石油和天然气行业拥有悠久的历史,并且也可以成为更可再生和可持续能源的领导者。最大的项目之一是,耗资92亿美元的Gr18luck官网ön燃料可再生燃料综合体是一项多相项目,该项目在密西西比河的艾伦港(Port Allen)建造了几年。该设施将产生绿色氢,可再生柴油,北极规格可再生柴油,航空燃料和生物塑料原料。预计将在10年内为该地区带来5,000多个直接和间接的工作。

Federal Inspection Services Building

Hensel Phelps is providing CMAR services for the expansion and renovation of the existing Federal Inspection Services Building, part of the overall George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) Terminal Redevelopment Program.
Image courtesy of Hensel Phelps



更新able Energy Group broke ground in October on the $950-milion improvement and expansion of a renewable diesel production facility in Geismar, La. The project will take total site production capacity from 90 million gallons per year to 340 million gallons per year and bring more than 60 permanent jobs and up to 500 construction jobs to the area.

“Labor is still tight, especially for specific crafts like skilled journeyman level pipefitters and millwrights,” Helveston adds.

基础设施支出的增加是在路易斯安那州和密西西比州促进了高速公路项目。18luck官网几个月前,在巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge)扩大州际公路10的多相努力的第一阶段。

密西西比州AGC执行董事鲍勃·威尔逊(Bob Wilson)表示,密西西比州墨西哥湾沿岸的巨大增长也即将到来。当游戏获得密西西比州的批准时,它必须仅限于水上的位置,因此墨西哥湾沿岸地区已经看到了赌场,餐馆和其他相关的发展。他说:“在大流行期间,酒店18luck官网项目已经搁置了两年,现在他们又开始了。”

“Hospitality projects were on hold for two years during the pandemic, and now they’ve kicked off again.”
- 密西西比州AGC执行董事Bob Wilson

密西西比州’s future looks good, Wilson adds. Population growth in the northern part of the state is spurring housing and entertainment projects, and a warehouse boom is taking place near the Memphis airport’s FedEx hub. “If we can get our infrastructure plan through the legislature, that will help the central portion of the state,” he says. “Contractors are waiting with bated breath. It won’t be as big of a boom as hospitality, but it will be a good amount.”

威尔逊说,州最大的雇主之一日产最近宣布将扩大其设施以制造电动汽车和卡车,这将增加1200名员工。他说:“还有另外两个巨型人可以吸引大型开发商。”“在日产工厂附近的麦迪逊县的一个遗址引起了很多兴趣,这是DeSoto County的第二个地点,我们正在发生最高的增长。”

俄克拉荷马州AGC的首席执行官道格拉斯·塔普(Douglass Tapp)表示,俄克拉荷马州的商业建设也在俄克拉荷马州的情况下表现良好,俄克拉荷马州AGC18luck官网的首席执行官道格拉斯·塔普(Douglass Tapp)表示,重要的项目从2022年开始。“该行业似乎很强大,并将进一步焦点,在缺乏熟练的劳动力和材料供应链斗争方面面临的挑战。”


同时,俄克拉荷马州恩尼德市的3.17亿美元的Enid Kaw Lake供水计划将确保足够的清洁水,以满足恩尼德居民,万斯空军基地,木制地区机场,地方和外面工业的人口预测顾客。该项目将使区域含水层的平均每日需求减少35%,并删除7.5英里的铸铁管。