


包括首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨(John Roberts)在内的四名法官不同意。大法官埃琳娜·卡根(Elena Kagan)说,美国石油研究所,天然气协会,路易斯安那州和其他几个州要求紧急行动未能证明,如果未造成特朗普法规,他们将遭受“无法弥补的伤害”。她写道,他们“尚未确定一个州自地方法院裁决以来五个月内妨碍国家障碍的单一项目。”


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which now is developing a new rule to replace the Trump regulation, sent a draft proposed regulation to the Office of Management and Budget for review. EPA plans to release the proposed rule sometime this spring.


An Interstate Natural Gas Association spokesperson said that a federal district court ruling vacating the Trump rule “in its entirety, without receiving a single merits brief, was clearly unlawful and a stay pending appeal was the only effective relief under the circumstances. We look forward to prosecuting the appeal in the [appeals court] and participating fully in the administrative process on potential revisions to the rule.”

国家水力发电协会发言人勒罗伊·科尔曼(Leroy Coleman)在一封电子邮件声明中说:“水电项目经常在等待国家认证的国家决定多年,这些证书通常包含与水质完全无关的许可条件。”18luck官网他说,近30%的现有水力发电许可将于2030年到期,“必须在合理的时间范围内确保确保作为对重新操作的一部分确保证明请求来保留车队。”


清洁水法案的401节给美国一个d tribes authority to deny a permit to construction projects that would cause illegal discharges into protected waterways. The Trump rule imposed new restrictions on states that made it more difficult for them to challenge or deny certification for projects that could be harmful to the environment, environmental sources say. Some of the changes included shortening the time states had to deny a permit, and limiting the information companies needed to provide about their projects. It also said that certification could not be denied for non-water quality reasons such as climate change.

EarthJustice的高级律师Moneen Nasmith代表反对特朗普法规的诉讼中,该律师代表部落和环保组织,他说,该命令将为试图保护水道的各州和部落造成混乱的情况。


Andrew Hawley, a senior staff attorney for the Western Law Center, which is representing American Rivers in the litigation, says that states and tribes were not able to develop their own regulations to be able to comply with the 2020 rule while also remaining faithful to the intent of the Clean Water Act because the rule was only in effect for a short time.


水资源咨询公司Dawson&Associates的高级顾问拉里·利伯斯曼(Larry Liebesman)谈到法院的行动:“最重要的是,这是一个在临时等待州水质项目的建筑项目的加号。”18luck官网
