The Biden administration has kicked off an effort to promote the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act's impact in rural areas.


农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克(Tom Vilsack)在一份简报中告诉记者,巡回演唱会“基本上向农村的美国人传达了一个非常强烈的信息,即他们没有被这项历史悠久的法案排除在外。”


Mitch Landrieu, the White House infrastructure implementation coordinator, said at the briefing that the IIJA has $14.6 billion in “rural-specific programs.”


Other IIJA categories available to rural jurisdictions include drinking water, wastewater treatment, electricity and broadband.

但是官员只引用了一个新的,相对谦虚的资金示例。内政大臣黛布·海兰德(Deb Haaland)表示,政府将在五年内捐款3.75亿美元,以提交一项新的1亿美元的公私保护计划,称为“美国”美丽的挑战。

Haaland said it will be administered by the nonprofit National Fish and Wildlife Federation and "will leverage investments from several federal agencies with private resources, all to support voluntary, locally led conservation efforts across the country."

She added that the initial request for proposals will go out in early May and the first round of grants is to be awarded in November.

The administration also released a "rural playbook" listing various types of funding in the IIJA for rural communities, including the "what, when, where and how to apply," according to a White House statement.

In all, the White House said, more than $100 billion in IIJA funds have been "announced and allocated" to the states since the IIJA was enacted on Nov. 15. Landrieu has said that the legislation's total funding is $1.2 trillion.