
The strike began in King County last November and broadened in scope in December, impacting public megaprojects and private projects across the region. Negotiations between the drivers, part of Teamsters Local 174, and the concrete companies have produced no movement and the ongoing strike and lack of concrete work forced hundreds of layoffs in the building trades around the region.


Sound Transit正在整个地区扩大轻轨,已经错过了4,300多个交付,并强迫承包商为该机构工作约200名工人。

“几个月来,混凝土公司一直利用对西雅图的混凝土行业的控制来拖延谈判,这对我们的社区以及建筑行业的姐妹和兄弟都造成了毁灭性的谈判,” Teamsters Local 174 Local 174秘书 - 财务主管Rick Hicks说。。“我们的成员热爱我们的社区,并重返西雅图人民。”

Hicks says they hope that the unconditional return to work will encourage the companies to "stop stonewalling negotiations."

Peter Rogoff, Sound Transit CEO, welcomes the workers' return. "We thank the Teamsters for this action, and we urge the parties to work collaboratively on a long-term agreement that avoids risks of further disruptions," he says. "With months of backlogged concrete deliveries across the region, we all must now work together to dig ourselves out of a deep hole."


“虽然我们不能消除这些德lays, we will work to minimize their impact to the greatest degree possible and get these transformative projects open for service to our residents," says Ron Lewis, Sound Transit executive director of design, engineering and construction management.

西西雅图桥项目有无限期延迟的危险,而无需在2月份进行具体交付,但Teamsters Local 174同意于3月重新启动到该项目,卡车于4月初开始到达现场。

Local 174 went on strike with 34 workers at Gary Merlino Construction but that soon expanded to include Stoneway Concrete, Cadman, CalPortland/Glacier, Salmon Bay Sand and Gravel and Lehigh Cement. The workers were all local members and were on strike to protest the companies' "refusal to bargain in good faith" after a contract expired on July 31.

Gery Merlino Construction没有回应置评请求。

Founded in 1909, Teamsters Local 174 represents 8,600 workers in the Seattle area.