
Panthers owner David Tepper, through his Charlotte-based holding company, Tepper Sports & Entertainment (TSE), halted the 20-month-old project on March 7, claiming that the city of Rock Hill was a year late in making an initial payment on a commitment to fund $225 million worth of infrastructure at the 234-acre site, which will also include a mix of hospitality, residential, office, entertainment, retail, athletics and sports medicine facilities. A new interchange with nearby Interstate 77 is also part of the project.

TSE当天发表声明说,尽管其开发部门在开发中花费了超过1.7亿美元。“我们的合作伙伴无法贡献商定的投资来资助公共基础设施的建设。鉴于经济现实,已经做出了艰难而审慎的决定来暂停该项目。”该声明还承诺,TSE将继续努力“为各方寻找在Rock Hill继续该项目的经济上可接受的解决方案。”

Rock Hill官员反驳说,由于黑豹队缺乏信息,发行债券的最初计划已被推迟,并且该市不知道2021年的付款义务。在一份声明中,该市重申了其与团队协议的打算,但补充说,“特别不同意将任何城市资金或资产用于此目的,而不是从现场产生的税收收入之外。”



num体育商业观察人士猜测ber of possibilities for Tepper’s decision to pause the project, ranging from gaining a more favorable financial deal with local and state governments to a potential relocation of the team out of Charlotte, where it has played since joining the NFL in 1996.

Mascaro Construction and Barton Malow, the construction manager at-risk joint venture tapped by the Panthers to build the Populous-designed development, declined to comment on the project pause or disclose how far work had progressed since ground was broken in July 2020. TSE did not respond to ENR’s request for comment.
