一个耗资16亿美元的项目,旨在振兴塔兰特县南部的三条主要高速公路的融合,已授予Kiewit基础设施South Co.和Austin Bridge&Road的合资伙伴关系。

The Texas Dept. of Transportation (TxDOT) tapped joint venture South-Point Constructors for the design build and maintenance contracts in November and the contract was signed earlier this year. The project, known as the Southeast Connector, is slated for completion in 2027. It represents the largest investment in transportation infrastructure in the history of TxDOT’s Fort Worth district.

“我们的团队的经验,广泛的基础设施design-build highway work – and long-time partnership with TxDOT – create a strong foundation to manage the design and construction of the job,” says South-Point Constructors Project Director Jay Knez.

东南连接器项目将涉及在塔兰特县南部汇聚的三条主要高速公路的重建和扩大。I-20,I-820和US 287。它还需要重建三个主要的高速公路交通。除了计划增加的主车道数量外,沿着走廊的正面道路将得到改善,而入口和出口坡道将重新配置以改善交通流量和安全性。也将引入自行车和行人住宿。

Lake Arlington is partly to blame for this peculiar configuration of the three highways. This 2,000-acre body of water was created in the 1950s to provide drinking water for the region. Over the next several decades, highway upgrades needed to match the growing population only saw the interconnections became more complex. Today, more than 250,000 vehicles use the corridor each day.

TXDOT发言人Val Lopez说:“这个备受期待的项目将在塔兰特县的东部和东南部与该县的中部联系在一起。”“这不仅对塔兰特县和沃思堡很重要,而且还促进了贸易,提高了安全性并提高了整个Metroplex的效率。”


TxDOT initially set the project to bid in late 2020 and three joint-ventures responded: North Tarrant Infrastructure Southeast, South-Point Constructors and Tarrant Mobility Partners. All three proposals were significantly over the amount of public funds available for the project. The agency then issued a revised RFP in September 2021 and received offers from all the joint-venture teams that had previously submitted bids.

除了成为首席合资公司公司,Kiewit还将担任设计建筑集成商和铅维护公司。合资企业的其他主要成员包括牵头工程公司AECOM技术服务公司和领导独立质量公司LAMB-Star Engineering LLC。

AECOM全球运输业务的首席执行官詹妮弗·艾蒙特(Jennifer Aument)表示:“我们期待以我们广泛的本地专业知识和全球范围为团队提供为运输客户提供高质量解决方案的支持。”