
“The vast majority of the plastic trash entering our oceans is due to inadequate waste management," EPA Assistant Administrator Jane Nishida said, adding that the agency "is committed to reducing plastic waste from the United States and we look forward to working with governments around the world to reduce the threat to ocean ecosystems.” She spoke at an international conference in the Indonesian city of Palu.




Plastic and other waste collecting in aquatic “hotspots” is a growing global problem, as production of plastics and plastic packaging has increased exponentially since the mid-1960s. The World Economic Forum estimates that 8 million tons of waste enter the world’s oceans every year, the equivalent to a full load of trash being dumped from a garbage truck every minute.

国家市政雨水联盟执行董事塞思·布朗(Seth Brown)表示,市政雨水部门尤其受到堆积垃圾的挑战,垃圾堵塞了市政下水道和管道以及水道。海洋从陆基河流和溪流开始。

In recognition of the problem, some cities have incorporated trash and litter reductions into their sewer and construction permitting structures:

华盛顿特区在2011年在Anacostia River流域建立了垃圾的最大每日载荷(TMDL)限制。旧金山,洛杉矶和加利福尼亚的其他城市已制定了类似的水质标准,2015年,州水务委员会和Caltrans和Caltrans将垃圾控制纳入其国家污染物排放(NPDES)允许要求。

随着解决水生垃圾的需求的增长,捕获和回收的技术的种类和数量也是如此。这些范围从固定的垃圾拦截器,例如Mr. Wheelin Baltimore, which captures trash before it can migrate to the Atlantic Ocean, to moving vessels through projects as in海洋清理,它使小容器配备了动臂和其他设备,以在河流和海洋中收集塑料并回收塑料。
