约翰·D·赖特(John D. Wright)

AECOM被任命约翰·D·赖特(John D. Wright)as its metro Atlanta lead. In this role, Wright will develop relationships with stakeholders and oversee the delivery of a range of infrastructure projects spanning numerous metro Atlanta market sectors. “Infrastructure will be crucial to managing metro Atlanta’s forecasted population spike over the next 30 years,” said Wright.

“We look forward to expanding AECOM’s reach in the Atlanta area under John’s stewardship,” said丹·浮士德AECOM的美国东部和拉丁美洲地区首席执行官。“我们有一个独特的机会,可以为亚特兰大人建立更公平和可持续的未来,我们肯定会从约翰的专业知识中受益于这个城市前所未有的增长。”

Amy Davis

RS&H,佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔,已雇用Amy Davisas executive vice president and chief financial officer following the retirement of former CFO霍尔特坟墓。戴维斯(Davis)在商业和财务领导力方面拥有超过25年的经验,包括工程和咨询领域。最近,她曾担任Michael Baker International的首席财务官。

大卫·塞里昂(David Cerione)

大卫·塞里昂(David Cerione)has joined HNTB as a national practice consultant and vice president for the firm’s aviation practice. Based in Orlando, he will support aviation clients nationwide in the oversight and delivery of capital improvement programs. Cerione joins HNTB from another consulting firm where he served as national deputy director of aviation. Previously, Cerione had overseen contracts at Miami International Airport and Abu Dhabi International Airport as well as projects in New Orleans and Denver.

Tyler Powell

Nashville-based BELL Construction has promotedTyler Powellto project executive and泰勒·巴尔德里奇给高级项目经理。自2016年以来,鲍威尔(Powell)与该公司一起担任高级项目经理。以前曾担任项目经理的Baldridge现在将监督包括酒店在内的各个行业的项目的工作,并将领导该公司新成立的特殊项目部门。18luck官网

肖恩·梅耶(Sean Mayer)has joined Neel-Schaffer Inc., Nashville, as a transportation senior project manager. Mayer has more than 22 years of experience in the planning and design of major transportation improvement and facility projects in the San Francisco Bay area and will manage major highway construction projects for Neel-Schaffer.

Moss Construction promotedBrett Porakto vice president of preconstruction for the firm’s South Florida region. Porak will lead efforts to apply best practices around quality control and business development with the integration of preconstruction and operations. Porak, with more than 20 years of industry experience, has been with Moss since 2012.

“Preconstruction is complex, and Brett’s become an expert at cost estimating and modeling for projects with tough logistical constraints,” said CEO斯科特·莫斯。“他一直是莫斯成长的关键部分,我们很高兴看到他扮演这个新角色。”


文斯布雷迪卡斯加入烧伤&麦克唐奈作为我的项目经理ts aviation and federal group serving the Dept. of Defense and other federal agencies in the Southeast. With more than 20 years of relevant experience, he will develop relationships within the DoD market and be responsible for coordinating and leading project teams.

乔丹·尼米洛夫(Jordan Nemiroff)

也加入Burns&McDonnell是乔丹·尼米洛夫(Jordan Nemiroff),他将在全球设施集团中担任项目经理,重点关注东南航空航天和制造客户的设计建设解决方案。

CROFT & Associates promoted 37-year industry veteran詹姆斯·“布奇”伯奇菲尔德担任高级合伙人的职位。伯奇菲尔德(Birchfield)通过促进设计过程和支持每个工作室团队的设计过程,担任Croft各种设计工作室的设计总监。

The firm also promotedDavid Esterline在其高等教育团队中担任高级助理和业务部门主任的职位。

Jake Plein

佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的查尔斯·佩里(Charles Perry Partners Inc.)晋升Jake Plein在构建副总裁的职位上。凭借20多年的经验,他将监督该公司的前构建和估计团队。

斯蒂芬·奥德韦(Stephen Ordway)已经加入了多户开发商ZOM Living Orlando办事处,担任其高级住房部高级副总裁。在这个职位上,他将领导ZOM Senior Living的全国增长战略。Ordway将超过17年的商业和酒店房地产经验带给了ZOM,其中包括致力于高级住房的过去十年。

ZOM Living首席执行官说:“认识到在美国需要高级租赁住房的必要Greg West

彼得·安徒生and唐·伯劳斯(Don Burroughs)已晋升为罗利Dewberry副总裁。安德森(Andersen)是该公司的电气首席工程师,拥有超过35年的经验。拥有将近40年的经验的Burrough是该公司的机械首席工程师。

总部位于南卡罗来纳州的电气承包商Carolinapower晋升麦迪逊·扬纳(Madison Younginer)担任业务发展主管的职位。Younginer三年前加入Carolinapower的业务发展团队,在职业棒球10年后担任客户经理。