A major private housing manager for the U.S. military has continued to make failures similar to the misconduct that led it to admit to committing fraud, according to a U.S. Senate subcommittee report.

Balfour Beatty Communities LLC认罪in December to defrauding the U.S. Air Force, Army and Navy after a Dept. of Justice investigation found the company schemed to obtain performance bonuses between 2013 and 2019 by misrepresenting maintenance records by lying about repairs and falsifying records.

一个新报告参议院国土安全和政府事务对调查的永久小组委员会发行,确定了在该司法部调查范围结束后继续在巴尔福·比蒂(Balfour Beatty)社区继续进行的“正在进行的管理失败”,即使在公司对欺诈指控表示认罪之后,。

Balfour Beatty Communities是英国承包商Balfour Beatty Plc的子公司。Balfour的美国单位排名第16新利luckEnr的2021年前400名承包商列表。Balfour Beatty社区拥有并管理住宅物业,其中包括55个美国军事装置中的43,000多个房屋。

参议员听取了兵役成员的证词,并于4月26日烤了一对巴尔弗·比蒂社区高管,近三个小时。小组委员会主席D-ga。参议员乔恩·奥索夫(Jon Ossoff)在听证会上询问了为什么美国政府应该继续继续信托巴尔福·比蒂(Balfour Beatty)社区承认欺诈计划。

一些作证的人描述了在与巴尔弗·比蒂社区打交道时的挫败感,即使试图在巴尔福管理的房屋中获得严重问题的帮助,他们说引起了健康问题。陆军通讯官塞缪尔·乔(Samuel Choe上尉)作证说,他和他的家人从2019年到2021年在佐治亚州戈登堡住在巴尔福的家中,导致他的女儿现年10岁她的四肢,躯干,脖子和脸部的湿疹形式严重。



The subcommittee investigation found that Balfour staff at Fort Gordon frequently ignored or delayed responding to urgent requests to address conditions like mold and roof leaks.

A former Balfour employee at the base told subcommittee members how military families often contacted him multiple times each week because other employees were not responding properly to their repair requests, including those related to potentially serious health issues. As recently as February 2022, Balfour failed to promptly repair a water leak that was reported in October 2021, or to remediate mold that formed as a result of the leak, until a hole appeared in the family’s bathroom ceiling, according to the report.

Balfour Beatty社区的设施运营,翻新和建设总裁Richard Taylor作证说,该公司自2019年以来就对问题做出了“巨大进步”。当公司了解其面临的刑事指控时,它与之合作。他说,司法部的调查人员并开始了自己的分析以了解根本原因,并采取了行动来纠正它们。

Ossoff强调了来自Balfour居民的大约十二封电子邮件的报价,这些电子邮件抱怨服务及其房屋状况。Taylor said the company processes an average of 208,000 emails annually, and said that the company’s satisfaction survey results from residents have shown positive results, even if the age of the homes—many at Fort Gordon, for example, are from the 1950s and ‘60s—means that issues will arise. There is no systematic failure, he said.

“What’s important for us is we understand where our shortcomings are and we address those deficiencies,” Taylor said.


But the company could run into trouble if it does not keep up with its promises to improve. As part of its plea deal with authorities, Balfour Beatty Communities agreed to serve three years of probation in addition to paying $65.4 million in fines and restitution.

虽然Balfour Beatty社区是最大的私人军事住房经理之一,但它是Balfour Beatty的一小部分。承包商的美国领域在2020年收入超过50亿美元。但是泰勒作证说,住房部门在过去三年中每年从军事住房财产管理费中平均收入3000万美元。

R-Wis。参议员罗恩·约翰逊(Ron Johnson)说:“前进,国防部和所有军事住房提供者必须确保我们的服务人员生活在安全,可居住的环境中。”“特别是,国防部及其监察长办公室需要积极监督其住房合同,以确保合规。”